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I just don't understand some people in general forum

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  • #16
    hey its true, there is words ***ed out.
    i meanerm, di ck van dy ke
    Just my 2p.
    Which is more than a 2 cents, about one cent more.
    Which shows you learn something every day.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Roulette
      Surprise shock and amazement. PC games need a patch more than 90% of the time. Wanna know why? Because they are more complicated than console games, have higher expectations, and a wider array of hardware and software requirements to satisfy. Beta testing helps, but few PC games are perfect in the first release. It's something gamers put up with because we understand the difficulty involved.
      No, I don't understand the difficulty involved. I understand the laziness and money hungriness involved, but I don't understand the difficulty. (And I am software engineer by the way.) It's pure greed from Firaxis/Infogrammes that made this game come out without several of the most important things even in the game.

      Multiplayer will most likely be added in an expansion, milking you for another $25 for a game you thought was done.

      And there are a lot of console games with higher complexity than many PC games that still don't require patches. When you know that you can never fix it once it leaves shop you work a bit harder.

      I must admit that I am hooked by the game. But it's cheap, and won't keep me hooked.

      Originally posted by Libertarian
      [...wagging finger...]

      I'll have you know that writing bug-free programs is a piece of cake. I've done it before. I opened my VB, cracked my knuckles, set a few properties, typed in a line of code, and clicked "Run".

      And voila! It said, "Hello World" in big blue letters.

      There's no excuse for Firaxis releasing its two bugs.
      You are actually good if you got Hello World to run without bugs in VB. Sucky programming language.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Lord Maxwell
        I must admit that I am hooked by the game. But it's cheap, and won't keep me hooked.
        care to explain why?


        • #19
          Originally posted by tishco

          who left firaxis, sorry, what have i missed?

          will civ3 change and be different [hopefully better] by the time we in Yurop get it.
          Brian Reyolds and many experienced Civ2/SMAC programmers left to set up Big Huge Games.

          The initial UK release is apparently 100% identical to the US version, with no localisation for spelling etc. I tried to find out from my local stores whther that meant same box as opposed to DvD but they could not answer.

          No patch has been released and it is unlikely to be available before the 16th. One Firaxian mentioned end-november as the earliest likely date for a patch. There may have been updates since then but I can't keep up with Apolyton these days for all the "server busy" messages. The first patch is far more likely to fix only serious bugs any way. It will be later patches that really address balance issues, excessive strategies and the like.
          To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.


          • #20
            Well, We all know they could have held the game back and finished things here and there that are known problems, and usually the programmers, testers and such have no control over it. It appears to me that the Money counters needed to beef up numbers before the end of the year and wanted something to be around for the holidays and that is why this was rushed out the door. Dont blame the guy at the PC in the jeans and Fat Albert T, with the Jolt IV and Cheezy Puffs programming the game, Blame the guy in the Suit, Driving the Benz drinking his Latte...
            Those money guys have WAY more power than a lowly programmer...And they are ultimetly to blame on the Sell now, patch later mentality...


            • #21
              Sorry Prince Maxwell, but a software engineer that doesn't produce bugs is as rare as someone in Europe with a legit copy of Civ3.

              You can introduce practices and procedures to minimize bugs but the only people who can afford so called bug free s/w produced are governments not gamers however avid.

              Given the clamouring for the early release of Civ3 (from the same fans that are whinging now) and the easy access to patches does it really matter if a few hardcore fans whinge and whine ? As has been mentioned already isn't whether a game requires patches (they all will apart from console games that have the advantages of fixed h/w and OS) but whether patches are produced in a timely fashion.

              MP however is another issue and I'm disappointed that its not there but then I've queued up to get Civ2 on its release day and am still playing it now and never played MP or a scenario so I can probably wait

              (Yes I'm fully aware of the fallacy in my argument that for Civ2 I never bought any expansion but am recommending it for Civ3)
              Hoping that 4 is closer to 2 than 3


              • #22
                diplomacy in CTP2 doesn't really work between AIs
                I think that it was either unfinished or done to a vary basic default level with the intention of later exposing more of the diplomacy model so that the Mod community could design their own systems. This alternative was effectively nullified when Activision dropped the game but, as you know, some modification is still possible.

                Such modification is not at all possible with Civ3 and it makes me wonder how AI-AI diplomacy in Civ3 works. Hmm, there's a question for Soren tonight, if anyone can get into the chat room (I've been having enough trouble even getting into Poly lately. )

                [Firaxis] have not yet been hired by Infogrames to produce the scenario/multiplayer segments that they had to cut from the original release.
                That's interesting. Can you post a source for juicy stuff like this?


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Lord Maxwell
                  No, I don't understand the difficulty involved. I understand the laziness and money hungriness involved, but I don't understand the difficulty. (And I am software engineer by the way.) It's pure greed from Firaxis/Infogrammes that made this game come out without several of the most important things even in the game.
                  If you don't understand the difficulty in developing software and making it compatible with different hardware, then your NO software engineer. I don't care what title your company gave you. MS Access is not a software development tool.
                  Last edited by Auslander; November 7, 2001, 12:47.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Libertarian
                    [...wagging finger...]

                    I'll have you know that writing bug-free programs is a piece of cake. I've done it before. I opened my VB, cracked my knuckles, set a few properties, typed in a line of code, and clicked "Run".

                    And voila! It said, "Hello World" in big blue letters.

                    There's no excuse for Firaxis releasing its two bugs.
                    Boy, you had me there for a minute

                    I've done a ton of programming in my life, and I've yet to develop a bug-free program of any real complexity. I don't think everyone understands that software requirements are a constantly moving target and the users will do things that the software was never intended to do and then complain when it doesn't cooperate.

                    Case in point: Infinite City Sleaze.
                    "Barbarism is the natural state of mankind... Civilization is unnatural. It is a whim of circumstance. And barbarism must always triumph."


                    • #25
                      The only people complaining about hardware compatability faults are those experiencing them. Its the universal software bugs that are annoying.

                      Programs are never bug free when they are first written. Part of the development is iterative test and fix cycles. When lots of bugs get through to the live code, either there was inadequate testing, insufficuient cylces or someone decided to release "as is" despite knowing the problems. I'm not suggesting Firaxis need the sort of painstaking cycle they use for developing command and control software for navy ships (otherwise Civ III would be slated for release in 2004, probably slipping to 2006) but there is a lower limit that I believe they failed to reach.

                      Peter Triggs, check out the release party highlights. I think it was there.
                      To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.


                      • #26
                        I think giving pikemen and indirect ability to repell attacks from modern type weapos/troops is absurd. If a civ is so far behind that they don't have the ability to defend themselves with more modern weapons, it should be expected they lose instead of put up a battle, let alone win it. What is then the point of even having more potent weapons? Just so you don't get bored? If I have an obviously superior weapon, I want an obviously decisive victory. The point of advancement is to gain an advantage, not to just remain competative. This bugs.

                        Originally posted by Grumbold
                        The only people complaining about hardware compatability faults are those experiencing them. Its the universal software bugs that are annoying.

                        Programs are never bug free when they are first written. Part of the development is iterative test and fix cycles. When lots of bugs get through to the live code, either there was inadequate testing, insufficuient cylces or someone decided to release "as is" despite knowing the problems. I'm not suggesting Firaxis need the sort of painstaking cycle they use for developing command and control software for navy ships (otherwise Civ III would be slated for release in 2004, probably slipping to 2006) but there is a lower limit that I believe they failed to reach.

                        Peter Triggs, check out the release party highlights. I think it was there.
                        That's it right there. Infogrames (what kind of name is that anyway?) seems to have inharited MicroProse' bad habbits. The last time MicroProse released a game which didn't need an immediate patch to be playable, was when it cost $3.50 (tree fitty for non-southpark fans) to see a movie in the theater.

                        Some unforseen bugs can always be expected to crop up esp. when it comes to compatibilities. Its simply impossible to account for every possible combination of hardware/software in a closed test, so I welcome those kinds of patches. But in civ3, we have a game with missing features, blatent neglect of known bugs and overall a game which doesn't deserve to be sold for $50 "regular" and $60 "special edition." The movies included nobody cares about anyway, the tin can is nice, but by itself isn't a selling point and I remember buying games (farely recently) which came with reference cards and "tech or stat sheets/posters" in the regular edition. They just wanted your money, but didn't have anything "extra" or "special" to offer.

                        I think both Firaxis and Infogrames are to blame here. Firaxis for not doing a thorough/limited public type beta and Infogrames for being the greedy little *****es that they are.

                        I know the game is fixable, but that's not the point. I'm not just *****ing for the fack of it, I obviously care about civ3 and the game industry at large or I wouldn't even be typing this. Its sad to see potential wasted.

                        Brian Reynolds left because he wanted no part of this type of business. The people at Blizzard show how its done with every game they DO release. Their games are never flawless, but they don't require patches just to fix what was obviously brocken when released. When they patch something, its usually some obscure hardware incompatibility, cheat lockouts, rare happenstance type bugs or minor game imbalances.
                        I hate Civ3!


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Auslander

                          If you don't understand the difficulty in developing software and making it compatible with different hardware, then your NO software engineer. I don't care what title your company gave you. MS Access is not a software development tool.
                          there are two main branch of bugs - implementation vs logic. we are talking about logical ones, how the concepts were not well developed (eg. high corruption rate as a problem is a logical one, not caused by a typo, ie. not implementation), not about how it doesn't work with a certain video card. the console games are simply not patchable, if there's any logical error/bugs, it's dead. pc games on the other hand can be fixed with a patch. the difficulties in regards to logical error/bugs are the same between the two type of game developers. any software engineer would know the difference (or the lack thereof in this regard).
                          "this is just a game" is just red herring, get it?


                          • #28
                            I am a software developer for a major software company

                            1) bugs happen
                            2) I write superior quality code
                            3) bugs still happen
                            4) bugs still escape testing

                            Civs bugs are very minor compared with the crashes and security flaws you see in Microsoft stuff

                            It is very very solid. Some are just balance issues, and it's good they can patch that. But, until then, the game is still VERY playable!

                            BTW, a bug free hello world in VB? The VB runtime? Ahem. Ahem.
                            It's a bug in itself


                            • #29
                              Re: multiplayer expansion???

                              Originally posted by The Unknown
                              What do you mean, multiplayer will probably be installed in an expansion??? That's terrible! Strategy games today are EXPECTED to have some form of multiplayer, this is absolutely necessary. I will be VERY annoyed if the first (or at least the second) patch does not include MP. Please, please, please do not get so greedy that you release MP for another 50 bucks, Firaxis. My opinion of your company will decline dramatically.
                              If you can't afford to pay for the basic game and the expansion, just wait a few months. You'll be able to buy both for a cheap price in a while...


                              • #30
                                most bugs are hard to spot and occur at wierd cirumstances.
                                civ3 bugs (misfeatures) occur every single time you play the game.
                                It appears to me that the developers have never played the game or the testers did a really bad job. Public beta would obviously uncover most unbalances and bugs that everyone is complaining now. I guess we all are just beta testing the game for $50 bugs. Maybe infrogames was cheat and didn't want to spend money on testers, so they let the customers do that job.

