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System Requirements

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  • System Requirements

    I can report that the game will not run on an AMD K62 laptop computer, which I think is just at or below minimum requirments. I really don't know my computer systems well

    Kind of a sore spot with me actually. I was able to run Age of Empires 2, The Sims, and all the other civ type games on my laptop. I try to run Civ3 and I don't even get a "You don't have enough memory" message. It just loads up the starting screen (the castle image) and then returns to windows - screwing up my system graphics configuration in the process I might add (very annoying).

    Thats my one problem with the game. The other is character personalities, but thats apt for a different thread.

  • #2
    But the game works just fine on a PII 266, 128 RAM, 8 Meg Video

