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OCC Deity...

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  • OCC Deity...

    Who is trying to beat it? I'm trying now, but I don't know how to win. Is diplomatic victory possible with one city? I've heard of having 25% of the population or something. If not possible, then spaceship is the way to go.

  • #2
    I know there are tons of expert players who can probably beat it already, but here is a good way to get techs early in OCC game. If you are going for monarchy right away, then you will probably end up with size 6 city well before you get construction. What I have been experimenting with is always building a worker just as my size 6 city fills it's food supply. Since the ai gets well ahead in technology it becomes hard to get techs from the ai. So I trade a combination of workers, maps, and gold to get the techs up to and including construction. I have found this is the fastest way to get to both monarchy and contruction.
    Also, anytime your city is about to gain another citezen that would put the city into disorder, make another worker. Trading workers only work for early techs I think. To get construction, I had to trade about 4-5 workers I think. It's basically a slave trading operation, but it has worked pretty well in my OCC games.

    (btw, to the dude who said that nobody would make it past 1AD on deity, I am in year 1000AD OCC on deity)


    • #3
      is it just me, or does your capital not need an aqueduct?
      i've played 2 occ games so far, and i don't recall building an aqueduct yet, and i've reached size 12 both times (reached it rather quickly, btw. . . iirc, before i had researched construction both times)

      Anyway, to your original question, yes, i'm also experimenting with OCC, i'm going for cultural victory, i think that's the easiest way. my first attempt failed (damn germans decided my city was worth having) im in my second attempt now and have actually built up my defenses somewhat. it sucks because i was doing REALLY well the first time, i snagged ALL the ancient wonders, and was working my way through the renasiance wonders.

      in this game, i missed colossus (my city isn't a coastal city) and i probably will miss sun zu's war academy. . but i've gotten the rest so far.

      to win via culture, i have chosen to play as France, btw. . . who are you trying with?
      "We're losing the war on AIDS. And drugs. And poverty. And terror. But we sure took it to those Nazis. Man, those were the days."


      • #4
        Well I know my capital needed an aqueduct, but I have seen wierd things with cities growing above 6. Who knows, mabye something to do with culture, or terrein?

        Anyways, I'm playing with Babylonians. The Americans and Persians have been warring right outside for city the whole game. Somehow, they leave me alone though. It would be a huge advantage to either civ to kill me off, since I am the one city that seperates them from each other. I have no defences, just three warriors, but I disbanded two when I got democracy.
        In this game, I have a city with 2 diamonds and 2 cows. I have no other resources, have done no exploring, built no wonders, found no goodie huts, and I have no fresh water for irrigation, yet at 1000AD I have caught up to the ai civs and will hopefully overtake them tech wise. (If I can stay alive)

        I don't really know if I can possibly win even if I do survive. Mabye diplomatic victory if that is possible.

        Just wondering if you have any tips on staying ahead of the ai tech wise in the early game. That was my biggest problem, and the reason why I have no wonders. The ai got out to a big lead early and took all the early techs. I'm just starting to catch up now.

        Also, what is your start location like? I think it would be very hard without at least one luxery nearby due to the early riots on deity. A huge bonus would be if you happened to start with coal and iron (or whatever it is) so you could build iron works. I'll bet the first person to win a OCC will have this. (or at least the first spaceship OCC)

        I hope to try again soon after this game with a better start location. (preferably with a river at least) What do think would be the best possible (realistic) start location?


        • #5
          If you build your city next to fresh water it never needs an aquaduct. Goes right to pop 12 nicely. This will be a staple of my occ strat provided I can figure out a way to keep them happy.


          • #6
            If your capital (or any city) is built next to a fresh water source (ie: a river), then you wont need an aqueduct, and will be able to grow to size 12. This could become a useful strategy for OCC, ensuring you are near a river.

            One other tactic that could help is to be a master trader. Get a tech advance from one civ, then trade it to every other civ for gold per turn, and whatever else you can extort from them. Then pump your new-found wealth into research, and with your next tech, trade it with other civs again for as much as you can...

            Not sure how valid this strategy is, but should give you a head start. I just wish Civ 3 could be released in Australia before the 19th

            But good luck
            I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


            • #7
              I wish I knew about the river thing beforehand. Okay if I win with this game, it is without a river. So at least it will stand for something. But from now on, river is essential.

              The trading strategy would be good except it requires you to have techs that other civs don't have. To do this you either need to gain techs early, which I could not do so far, or explore and make contact with many other civs early. (which I should have done and should be a 'staple' strategy) I gained most of my early techs from trading workers. Also, if you contact other civs early, you can trade thier contact for other stuff. This would probably mean that it would be good to be expansionist civ on a single contenant map. (again something I didn't do) I plan to play through this game though and then start again using tsome of the strats you guys have suggested.


              • #8
                In this game, I have a city with 2 diamonds and 2 cows. I have no other resources, have done no exploring, built no wonders, found no goodie huts, and I have no fresh water for irrigation, yet at 1000AD I have caught up to the ai civs and will hopefully overtake them tech wise. (If I can stay alive)

                exactly how did you manage this? the midgame is where i have trouble keeping up. . by that point the AI has expanded to where i am behind in techs, and they just will NOT trade the techs i need!

                Just wondering if you have any tips on staying ahead of the ai tech wise in the early game. That was my biggest problem, and the reason why I have no wonders. The ai got out to a big lead early and took all the early techs.

                The great library helped alot. the first few turns i pump out several workers to get all the terrain ready. i grow the city as fast as possible to size 12, switch all of wokers (workers inside the city) over to maximize production and start on the wonders.

                Also, what is your start location like? I think it would be very hard without at least one luxery nearby due to the early riots on deity. A huge bonus would be if you happened to start with coal and iron (or whatever it is) so you could build iron works.

                The starting location in my first game was really nice. it has 3 luxery squares REALLY close to me, and some resource squares close by as well. it had 1 or 2 mountains, it was bordering the ocean (letting me get the colossus in that game) AND right by a lake giving me irrigation access. the rest of the squares were about half plains, half grassland.

                the second game didn't have any resources nearby at ALL. . i had to build a few extra workers to hunt them out, but it did have a river right through, which was really nice. the rest was plains and a few grassland squares.

                god, how i would LOVE to have coal and iron to get the iron works. OCC would be a cinch then, i think. but too bad the chances of that happening seem to be REALLY low, and even if it did, the chances of your once city being on that square are even lower.

                What do think would be the best possible (realistic) start location?

                So far i'd say. . (keep in mind i've only played 2 games so far, i'm still working some things out)
                ocean access to build colossus (this would help out with tech gaining)
                a river
                about equal plains and grassland
                a cow or two
                a luxery resource or two.
                maybe a mountain thrown in for good measure, and if your really lucky, some gold in the mountain.

                that sounds realistic, and would be a damn good site. if there were a few hills nearby with coal and iron, that would be. . damn. about perfect.

                If you build your city next to fresh water it never needs an aquaduct.

                I didn't know that, but that's quite helpful. thanks.

                One other tactic that could help is to be a master trader. Get a tech advance from one civ, then trade it to every other civ for gold per turn, and whatever else you can extort from them. Then pump your new-found wealth into research, and with your next tech, trade it with other civs again for as much as you can...

                Yes, i've been doing this. although this last game i played i cut down on the number of civs, and with less civs, it SEEMS that they're much less likely to trade with you. .

                BTW, you said you were using babylonians. i don't quite remember what their special traits are, but i used french because they are Industrious and Commercial. Industrious to help with building things. . (workers seems to work much faster with industrious) and commercial to help with upping the trade (from whence the science and taxes come. IMO, if you want to maximise science, having the commercial benefit is actually better than having the science benefit.)

                One last thing. When you cut down trees, it adds 10 shields to production. So, i built lots of works to see how many it would take to speed up the cutting down and planting proccess. With the french, in a monarchy, it takes 5 to plant a forest in 1 turn, and 5 to cut down a forest in one turn. So, with 10 workers on the same square, you can go from plains, to forest, to plains again, ON THE SAME TURN.

                The downside is. . this was not adding any shields to the production box. i think that maybe the forest either 1) has to be there for a while. . maybe at least one turn (i didn't try that) or 2) has to have been there when you founded the city. . ie, it wasn't a forest that you planted. Damn firaxis, for thinking of that ahead of time.
                "We're losing the war on AIDS. And drugs. And poverty. And terror. But we sure took it to those Nazis. Man, those were the days."


