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Cruise Missiles: Some Suggestions

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  • Cruise Missiles: Some Suggestions

    In the list of needed additions and/or bugs to be fixed, this is pretty minor. Nevertheless, I'd like to see Firaxis give some thought to updating cruise missiles.

    1) Range
    Early cruise missiles (like the V1) had only a short range; the V1's fired at London came from the Pas de Calais, for example. Now, our ships in the Indian Ocean can shoot missiles at Afghanistan, several hundred miles away. I propose that the range of the missiles be increased to at least 8, if not higher.

    2) Bases
    Cruise missiles are carried on board ships and submarines in the real world: why aren't they carried on ships and subs in the civ world? My proposal: each aegis cruise could carry 2 cruise missiles, each nuclear submarine could carry 1.

    3) Smart Weapons
    Modern missiles are capable of extremley accurate attacks. Cruise missiles, along with stealth aircraft, should be allowed to execute precision strikes.

    4) Sink ships
    This is something that needs to be changed for all aircraft. One real world example: the Falkland Islands War in 1982. Exocet missiles fired from Argentine aircraft sank two Royal navy destroyers. Instead of just taking a ship's hit points down to one, a cruise missile should be allowed to sink an enemy warship.

    Here's hoping we'll see some or all of these in an update.
    "Terminate, with extreme prejudice"

  • #2
    Re: Cruise Missiles: Some Suggestions

    Originally posted by PresidentMike

    4) Sink ships
    This is something that needs to be changed for all aircraft. One real world example: the Falkland Islands War in 1982. Exocet missiles fired from Argentine aircraft sank two Royal navy destroyers. Instead of just taking a ship's hit points down to one, a cruise missile should be allowed to sink an enemy warship.

    Here's hoping we'll see some or all of these in an update.
    Cruise Missiles are capable of sinking ships. If not, that is a bug, but I do believe that it works...
    - What's that?
    - It's a cannon fuse.
    - What's it for?
    - It's for my cannon.


    • #3
      my cruise missile stuck in the island can't go over the sea, neither being able to be transported. How can I shoot the ship in the middle of ocean?


      • #4
        I totally agree with (2).


        • #5
          Nope, doesn't sink 'em

          Nope, cruise missiles won't even attack a unit that is down to just one hit point.

          I think the reason why a cruise missile can't sink a ship is that it "bombards" units, it doesn't "attack" them. Since only a unit that attacks can kill an enemy, a cruise missile can't kill anything, i can only weaken down to a single hit point.

          This whole bombardment thing needs to be changed, at least in regards to aircraft/ships. In real life, planes and missiles sink ships. That's what should happen in civ3.
          "Terminate, with extreme prejudice"


          • #6
            If you can wait for them to fix it, you can make AEGIS and subs carry cruise missiles by using the editor. Set the Tactical Missile flag on the cruise missile and the carry Tactial Missile flag on the AEGIS (along with setting the # of missiles it can transport) I also made the cruise missiles airliftable as well. Also cruise missiles can be loaded on transports, you have to move them onto the ship instead of loading them.


            • #7
              Soren, I am really starting to think we have a different version of the game than you do.

              We are using 1.07f, what are you using? The reason I have to ask, is because several of the problems we are having (and I mean almost everyone), you seem to not be having at all.


              • #8
                My cruise missiles...

                ...were killing things last night...sometimes 2 and 3 things at once.

                I totally agree with the range thing...same range as Cannons? I think not...

                I was wondering about the ship-/sub-launched thing, but haven't had a chance to try, yet. Am still on first full game (at the second difficulty level), and have been a continental power until just recently. I love Modern Tanks, and combined arms armies--2 MBT's and 2 Mech Infantry...if only it could attack at least twice per turn...:-(

                As is, Cruise Missiles are decent filler for land powers until you develop (and deploy) the MRLS stuff in mid- to late Modern Era.


