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Its a shame they left out units on trade table

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  • Its a shame they left out units on trade table

    Remember in Civ2 how you can give units to other civs? I really like that feature and I'm absolutely shocked its not in civ3... Right now the Aztecs are killing off the poor French with their great army of knights. Instead of creating WW1 by declaring war on the aztecs I wanted to do what America does and just ship tons of units to the French for their army to give them a fighting chance...
    Last edited by TheDarkside; November 7, 2001, 11:27.

  • #2
    its weird to exclude that option, especially while extending the diplomatic issues..


    • #3
      I must agree too.


      • #4

        I noticed this right as I was about to go to sleep, so I'm not so sure about the ramifications or details, but...

        I was talking to the Japanese. They wanted access to my Iron, and were offering me a bunch of money, some more per turn, a lot of luxuries and their map. I s******ed at them, and went to see what else I could possibly extort from them. Not that I was going to let them have access to Iron, I didn't want any samurai showing up any time soon.

        Anyway, I found that I there was a new category on their side of the table: Units. I could request some of their workers.

        I don't know why or how that happened, or how to make it so I could offer some of mine to them. But I think it's there and probably one of those hidden things. I'm thinking you probably have to have a unit at the border between yourself and an ally, maybe on a road/railroad, and not in a fortified position? Any ideas?



        • #5
          I saw that too a few times, but always workers/settlers and no military units, dunno what the requirements for such a trade are though...
          In een hoerekotje aan den overkant emmekik mijn bloem verloren,
          In een hoerekotje aan den overkant bennekik mijn bloemeke kwijt


          • #6
            Yes, you can trade workers. The requirement is that there are idle/fortified workers in the capitol of the civilization. Send a few workers to your capitol city and you'll notice you can trade them. This does not work for military units BUT the infrastructure is there so for Firaxis to add military units would be an elementary change in code. The only work would be putting a value to these for the AI. I just hope they consider doing it as it would be a big deal for me.


            • #7
              Aye, agreed. Perhaps in a patch...


              • #8
                Trading Units?

                I think I read somewhere that you can trade captured units... ie. workers, artillery units. I haven't the game that long yet, so can anyone confirm this?

                Basically, every captured unit retain their nationality. So for example, if you captured the french worker and they captured your catapult, you can trade the french their worker for your catapult. Again, I haven't tried this.


                • #9
                  This would have been a nice feature.

                  Much earlier in my game, I came across the English and the French. They were duking it out for control of a medium sized island (Kind of rugged oval/square shaped.)

                  Unfortunately for the French, they had apparently started with their backs against the wall, whereas the English had started in the center. As such, they were losing terribly. I didn't want to give them technology and money, as instead of a powerful English dominated continent I'd have a very powerful French dominated continent. Or even worse - an extremely powerful and technologically advanced English continent (You know the French would lose anyway and then trade all of their tech for 40 years (20 turns) of peace, blah!)

                  I didn't want to just attack England, especially since if they ended up beating the French, I'd have made an enemy of a united continent. No thanks.

                  Giving them some military units, whether cheap or advanced (There's no way to reverse engineer units to get technology or plans for building more is there?) would have hit the spot. Then I could have watch them pound each other silly until there was two weak powers at odds with each other. That's no threat to me.

                  But in reality the English ended up killing the French, and have brought the entire continent under their iron fisted rule (Indeed, they are the only country other than myself to be a Monarchy instead of a Republic.)

                  Last edited by Setsuna; November 6, 2001, 18:27.


                  • #10
                    I didn't notice this until now, but I totally agree... we should be able to give/get any unit (don't know how you'd want to impliment it, since a civ with hundreds of units could be a bore, and you don't want to be able to see what untis the AI has... maybe just demand "a spearman" and the AI has a choice of saying they don't have it or won't give it to you if they don't have one or something like that...

                    As for the workers, I think that (for a few turns after it's been taken) we should be able to demand workers back, regardless of if it's in the capital or not... if nothing else, it should count as a PR move for the nation to demand and an anti-PR move for the other nation to refuse -- in other words, demanding/refusing should hurt/help your reputation...

                    I'm not sure if that last part makes sense, but I hope someone understands...

                    -- adaMada
                    Civ 3 Democracy Game:
                    PTW Game: Proud member of the Roleplay Team, and Ambassador to Glory of War
                    Intersite PTW Game: Member of Apolyton


                    • #11
                      I agree. I was expecting this feature to be in the game. But unfortunately, it was not.

                      Artistic and hand-made ceramics found only at


                      • #12
                        Just wanted to say I agreed.
                        Go GalCiv, go! Go Society, go!


                        • #13
                          agreed. let's hope they take notice of this. it's not something that will be very difficult to add
                          Project Leader of Civiliza, an Alternative Civilization game based on Civ 2.


                          • #14
                            Wow, we all can agree about someting! And it seems very odd this feature was left out...


                            • #15
                              i agree on that!!!major flaw!!!!
                              (i want to be the number 1 tank suplier of the world....)

