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  • bombers/fighters

    I just remembered; I was unable to upgrade my fighters to jet fighters and my bombers to stealth bombers. I had all the required resources (according to the manual and civilopedia) and they were in a city with an airport it just said "There is not a single fighter(bomber) that can be upgraded"
    What is up with that?!!

    Also, the manual and strategy guide don't mention that to upgrade land units they must be in a city with a barracks; sea units with a harbor and i assume air units with an airport.
    Freedom without responsibility is Anarchy.

  • #2
    According to the rule sets in CivIII's editor:

    The only aircraft you can upgrade is the Fighter (into Jet Fighters). But you also need aluminum to do that.
    Bombers can't be upgraded; and nothing upgrades into the stealth air-craft.


    • #3
      So the manual is wrong again when it says bombers can be upgraded to stealth bombers?

      I had aluminum, 3 actually in my territory to upgrade the fighters, i had all that was required it still wouldnt let me.
      Freedom without responsibility is Anarchy.


      • #4
        well i had similar problems with my warriors early in game..
        later I had discovered that it was because I didnot have the required funds for the upgrade. maybe your problem is the same?

        and to fraxis; it would better say "you dont have enough gold" instead of "you have no single .. that can be upgraded"


        • #5
          The Civilopedia says that you can't upgrade it ...

          Playing game ... don't have time to read manual .. =)

