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Open letter to Firaxis from the scenario community

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  • I don't believe that there will never be any real scenarios for Civ3 during next few years.

    They said somewhere that there is no internal support for anything like events in the engine. The best what is possible is to make Map Editor where you can change the map and place units/cities. + Ability to write some texts messages which appear during the scenario. But no real events.


    • Glad I'm not the only one . . .

      I've just started another thread today on this and thought no-one had noticed this bewildering error! A kind fellow called Quinalla pointed this thread to me.

      Surely this is nonsense! Recreating WWII, or some other historical conflict is what Civ (to me) is all about. The random worlds are great, but what is the point in naming Civs after real ones, such as Rome and Babylon, if you're playing on an imaginary map?

      Might as well call all the Civs 'Hychronians', Bothanians', etc., or some other fictional name if you're on a made-up map.

      The Romans aren't Romans unless they start in Italy. The USA isn't the USA if it's on some daft crummy little island in the middle of an imaginary sea!

      I want to play as Britain in Europe (with some colonies like Auz, SA and Canada), and build up from there, and have the USA as a trusted ally while messing around in Europe and Asia (bit like reality in the near past).

      I'll get bored invading imaginary islands that call themselves 'Greece' or whatever when they're not!

      Firaxis - THIS MUST BE SORTED - the Civ community (which ensures your vast profits and popularity) has been sorely and bewilderingly let down.

      You did it in Civ2 - why the ommission in Civ3?


      • I've given up on Firaxis/Infogrames

        I've had it. While it's been obvious for some time now that Firaxis had no intention of responding to this open letter, I thought I'd let it go a couple of weeks longer, just in case anyone still had doubts. While I'm disappointed, I can't say I'm surprised.

        This is part of a pattern of disregard for fans and customers by Ifogrames/Firaxis which has become all too obvious since the release of the game. Smug self-satisfaction was quickly replaced with defensive silence when fans showed that the holy name of Sid Meier was not enough to compensate for serious deficiencies and unkept promises. Since then, we've seen the appalling action of Infogrames, taking legal action against a German fan for undertaking modifications initially encouraged by Firaxis. This comes after the Limited Edition scandal which was nothing more than a bait and switch scam.

        There is another reason, too. They just can't deliver on many of the things we've asked for, and don't want to admit it. As Harlan Thompson has shown, other than those things which can be changed by the built in editor, there is precious little in this game that can be modified. Early on, Firaxis decided against including a "cheat-mode". This decision probably doomed scenario making from the start, though we didn't realize it at the time. I don't know if the ability to place units can be incorporated into a patch, but I have my doubts. Another thread on this forum has demonstrated, to my satisfaction at least, the the game is also very unsuited to multi-player use. And that may be the reason it was not included despite being promised, rather than because it is being saved for a sequel, as many of us believed.

        I respect those who enjoy the game, because it does have many good aspects. Graphically it's great, and there are many features I'd love to use in a scenario. But personally, after playing it a couple of times, I find it tedious. I don't think it has the replay value of its' predecessors. It has high initial sales due to the Civilization name, Sid Meier's (now damaged) reputation, and gushy reviews from gaming mags. But I think the reviews on these boards are far more accurate and predictive than any written by those high paid reviewers for the gaming magazines. So I don't think it's sales will be sustained for long. In the end, it will likely be a one year wonder. And that's too bad, because that makes it less likely that Infogrames or another publisher will be willing to invest in a sequel or even an update.

        I will await the patch, though without much hope for a scenario making fix. In the meantime, I've gone back to Test of Time, easily the most underrated Civ game of all. It's the antithesis of Civ3 - a good game with bad graphics!
        Tecumseh's Village, Home of Fine Civilization Scenarios


        • *bump*

          Well, it's now December and there's still no details on the patch, or an anouncement of a upcoming scenario pack
          'Arguing with anonymous strangers on the internet is a sucker's game because they almost always turn out to be - or to be indistinguishable from - self-righteous sixteen year olds possessing infinite amounts of free time.'
          - Neal Stephenson, Cryptonomicon


          • Re: *bump*

            Originally posted by Case
            Well, it's now December and there's still no details on the patch, or an anouncement of a upcoming scenario pack
            the patch was probably delayed for one more week or something. a list of features will be posted only a couple of days before, perhaps even on the same day

            expansion pack are usually not announced only 30 days after release....
            Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
            Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems
   my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog


            • Originally posted by MarkG
              expansion pack are usually not announced only 30 days after release....
              So, how long will we wait and what miracles have we to do in order to have the second part of the game? (quest-like release)
              The ice was here, the ice was there, the ice was all around: it cracked and growled and roared and howled like noises in a swound!


              • Strange, nobody replied my previous post.

                (you will never know if this is a "bump" or not)
                The ice was here, the ice was there, the ice was all around: it cracked and growled and roared and howled like noises in a swound!


                • One important thing is the ability to turn the "exchange connections" of or on. Its VERY unlogical that France can exchange connections and then trade tech with china in the 10th century.


                  • How 'bout a completely abstracted infinitely recursive gate manifold?
                    "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham


                    • did a firaxian ever respond to this?


                      • all I wanted

                        You know what I wanted from Civ3?
                        Civ2 with less limits in editing:
                        More troop slots (at least 256, if not 512 or 1024)
                        allowing all possible choices of what the troop does
                        More building slots with choices in what the building does
                        More wonder slots with choices in what the wonder does
                        More technology slots with up to 8 required techs.
                        More terrain slots
                        material requirements for techs/building/troops/wonders

                        Troop/building/wonder techs required to build, up to 8

                        A racial maker in the games opening screen (choose face, building types, strengths, weaknesses, motto) so not only can you design the world your about to play, but also the race your about to play.

                        multiple road/river types, at least 8 choices, and have the 'movement cost reduction' divide the land not the troops movement (moving via road across mountains should still be slower)

                        You know what I got from that whole list?
                        Material requirements for troops (p.s. which can be a real pain in the butt, I played a small map that had no iron)

                        but at the cost of having no editing abilities? PAH

                        I love all the extra stuff, they put alot of time and effort into alot of new great implementaions, at the cost of the original ideas.
                        EFR RPG GAME Designer, E.F.R. Forums The Coyn: Fantasy Mod for Civ3:Conquests


                        • There is a good chance the details of the patch will be available tomorrow. Let's see what it brings.

                          Considering the full month between release and this patch, I hope to see a bit more than the Air Superiority bug fixed.


                          • Ok, now we see the patch, and it seems it is rushed itself
                            Opinions? Do we take this "open letter" as dead?

                            Libertarian, I have reading your posts here and there... you
                            are the most magnificent troll - CivIII paladin that I know of.
                            The ice was here, the ice was there, the ice was all around: it cracked and growled and roared and howled like noises in a swound!


                            • Too kind.

                              And yes, your letter is dead.
                              "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham


                              • If you are a worshipper of Firaxis, stop reading!

                                After reading some posts in this threads, I really can't resist the temptation to point out one thing.

                                Firaxis has released an incomplete game, period. Right now, I have got the Limited Edition of the Civ3 in my hands. So let me read you this from the back of the box.

                                Key Features
                                Game Editor Suite lets you create customized civilizations, maps and rules.

                                Okay, how many of you have tried to create a civilization by using the editor alone? Probably none, because it will crash the game. And not only you can't create customized civs, everytime you try to create something using that useless editor, you need to modify the txt files as well. So, pray tell me, what is the point of having the editor if we have to manually edit the files just like CivIII and CTP?

                                Now, maybe we cannot call it false advertising, but let's face it, we are not getting exactly what we paid for.

                                I know many people would say, "stop whinging, Firaxis will release patches to fix the editor', but it is also because of this attitude that gives those game developers excuses to release intentionally incomplete games. Because they know the gamers will be willingly (almost too willingly) waiting for the patches.

                                In addition, I can't believe those people who said something like: " Oh, you guys give them [the people in Firaxis] a break, you only have to pay a small amount and you get a great game, what more can you expect?" I wonder if these people are Firaxisians? I am not sure about you guys, but I paid AUS$109.95 for my civIII. And that is not a small amount of money. Consider the following the situation:

                                You bought a VCR, then you found out the remote control was missing, and the recording function was not working. Okay, you called the shop, and they said the remote would be shipped to you in a month, and the recording function would be fixed soon (but not sure the exact date!).

                                Now, tell me, are you going to sit back and do nothing? Are you going to say to yourself, oh, give them a break, I only paid a few hundred bucks and I got the most brilliant machine in the world. Are you going to do that?

                                I am not saying this is a bad game. What I am trying to say is that I've bought an incomplete product, and I am entitled to make my complaints here.

                                So, people from Firaxis, I think you guys should stop distributing the video cds in the limited edition of the game, 'cause it is so embrassing! I really couldn't stop laughing when I saw the video after trying out the game.
                                May the Civ be with You, Always!

