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Corruption Blues (Rant, Long)

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  • Corruption Blues (Rant, Long)

    I have played Civ3 like a man possessed for almost a week now. I started at Regent and decided to go for every type of victory before moving on. I have now (after 3 full games) completed military, diplomatic and space race.

    I must say, the diplomatic victory was a let down. It happened in 1930 in my first game. I was playing on the large Earth map and was located in India (playing the French). I settled India and most of China, and started to expand over seas to avoid a war with the Germans (Europe/Russia) and England (Mid-East, Africa). That’s when it hit me...

    Corruption! And tons of it! My lone colony in Australia was useless. I suddenly realized why Germany had stopped expanding east when there was a lot of land left towards Alaska. I dawned on me like a ton of bricks (pardon the mixed metaphors) why the English had razed every German city they conquered. Corruption! What was the point of taking over/starting a new city if it was going to be useless?

    Heh, I remember thinking: Just build a courthouse and it will be all right. When that didn’t work I thought; Okay, maybe a police station will do it. Then I realized there is no organized crime division in CivPD. Finally I thought about building a Forbidden Palace, but that would take 300 turns... I even switched to communism thinking that the distance to my capitol (in India) was the problem. And that didn’t help either. So I switched back to democracy and carried on to win in 1930 in one of the most boring games ever...

    Not one to give up on Sid and Civ that easily I started again. This time I went straight for Space. I used the default settings. I started on a medium sized continent all by myself. I got to about 15 cities nicely spaced out and built my infrastructure. The AI tried to settle on my island twice and was eaten up by my culture. The whole thing was over in 1950 without a shot being fired. Corruption was only a problem in two cities.

    For my third victory I went for all out offence. I started on the biggest continent with three other civs. I played one against the other while concentrating on taking them out one at the time. The first one was Rome. All his cities where close to my borders, and when I went on the offensive it was a quick march. The roman cities all became productive members in my empire.

    As I thought about consolidating (I wasn’t sure if I had just been lucky or not), the Indians attacked me with a HUGE army of elephants. Only a lucky alliance with the Egyptians to the north of the Indians (I was in the south) saved me. As the Indians turned to face the Egyptians I went on to discover gunpowder and the only source of saltpeter on the continent. I built up a large army of infantry and cannon an marched on India.

    This is when it hit me again: Corruption!

    From here on in my game became pointless. I conquered the Indians, then moved north and took out the Egyptians. The last 5-7 cities would never (not even by 1970, 200 years later) become use full. As I conquered the Germans on the neighboring continent I started razing all but the best cities. I moved my capitol and invested in culture and education.

    FYI, I used democracy through the whole game, and I built culture, wonders and educational improvements in all my cities. The first thing I did with all the captured cities was to buy a temple, courthouse and a library. Then they would usually just idle until I could afford a cathedral or a coliseum.

    Most of my Empire was in a constant state of ‘We love the...’-day and I was the cultural leader by a huge margin. But corruption was still at 99.9% in all off-continent cities and about half the on-continent ones.

    What’s my point? Conquering under the current rules is just dumb. It’s not that being a builder and going for Space is a valid option (as well it should be), it is the only option. I don’t even want to think about a domination victory.

    I’m not complaining that the game is too hard. Corruption affects the AI too. I just don’t like being forced to play a certain way. Right now the game is forcing me to play peacefully, or at least in a non-expansionistic manner.

    The argument could be made about reality, the intent of the designers and such. Now, while I am perfectly aware that in real life no one civilization rules the planet, reality is also boring. At least it can be. And Sid said his intent was to make a more peaceful game then Civ1-2 was. Well, why is domination/military an option for victory then?

    As it stands now, unless you control a strategic resource the AI is hard coded to kill for, you might as well be alone. It used to be that 3 civs on a huge map would trigger an enormous late game battle, now it just means you wont see the enemy, ever...

    One thing this game has made clear though is this: A war of conquest is evil and bad. It gains no one. That and setting up a colony to claim some strategic resources is just dumb. You’re just shooting yourself in the leg by building cities that will never amount to anything.

    Bah... Still a cool game though...

    In closing: I understand the need to control ICS, but there must be a better way. If only one could combat the corruption in the end game. Then I could consider the cities a long-term investment instead of just razing them (which feels like mass murder).

    Oh well, all comments welcome.


    PS: I did actually build the Forbidden Palace in all the games I played. It cost me a great leader in two of them and a lot of patience in the other one. In my experience it helped a little less then moving your capitol to the same location.

    The biggest problem with it is that it is virtually impossible to build where you need it the most.
    "Build Ports when possible. A port gives you extra resources, as well as an extra tile for a unit to stand on." - Infogrames

  • #2
    It used to be that 3 civs on a huge map would trigger an enormous late game battle, now it just means you wont see the enemy, ever...

    You played 3 civs on a huge map? Is that counting your civ?

    You're wondering why this is easy? Since there is no scarcity of resources why would anyone be at war?

    Put 16 civs on a huge map for some fun. I think you may have missed the point of the game.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Auslander
      It used to be that 3 civs on a huge map would trigger an enormous late game battle, now it just means you wont see the enemy, ever...

      You played 3 civs on a huge map? Is that counting your civ?

      You're wondering why this is easy? Since there is no scarcity of resources why would anyone be at war?

      Put 16 civs on a huge map for some fun. I think you may have missed the point of the game.
      I was talking about 3 civs on a huge map in Civ2.

      I’ve been playing Civ3 on Normal with 8 civs. And one game on Huge Earth with 16.

      "Build Ports when possible. A port gives you extra resources, as well as an extra tile for a unit to stand on." - Infogrames


      • #4
        The problem with the corruption rates, as I have tried to point out, is that the incentive for conflict is gone. You gain nothing by taking land and cities.

        "Build Ports when possible. A port gives you extra resources, as well as an extra tile for a unit to stand on." - Infogrames


        • #5
          My apologies. I thought you were referring to your current game.


          • #6
            No problem.

            Anybody else have any views on this?

            "Build Ports when possible. A port gives you extra resources, as well as an extra tile for a unit to stand on." - Infogrames


            • #7
              MAN, I agree 100%. I really hope this corruption issue is a bug that'll get fixed, and not a feature. This is the only bug or glitch I've seen yet on my Win2K box.

              I just build a civilization where I could see my capital at the top of the screen (default screen size), and I had a couple of cities at the bottom of the screen that could only ever produce 1 shield/turn due to corruption. You could have 10 or 15 shields being produced, but only 1 would ever be usable! These were cities that I founded and built, in a democracy, even with courthouses, and there was nothing I could do to get more than one shield per turn out of them. I noticed that communism is definitely broken in regards to corruption, too.

              Finally I ended up building the Forbidden City in a city halfway between the capital and these cities, and blammo, all of those cities changed to a normal level of corruption. OK, that might be fine, but the problem is, if you tried to do this on a new or separate continent where you only get 1 shield/turn, it'd take 300 years to build the thing and start getting productive cities. Plus, you can't pay to accelerate construction, and once it's built you're done - you can't build any more, and you can't tear it down and move it as your civ expands. It's just not a viable solution.

              I love Civ at least as much as the next geek, and I'm still just as compelled to play it, but this corruption problem is really, really pissing me off. I can't fathom how something so obviously broken just slipped by the playtesters. I'm surprised these boards aren't more up in arms about it... it makes me wonder if others are more or less affected somehow?!?


              • #8
                Are you expanding slowly, building courthouses and keeping cities in perpetual WLTK? Even if you aren't, there is a trick to building the forbidden palace (more) quickly.

                Rebuild your palace closer to the spot where you want your forbidden city, then finish it up and build the palace back at the site of your true center. It's a long process but it's shorter than the 300 turns of corruption.

                Note that playing on a normal sized map I have *NEVER* had problems with corruption taking up more than 60% of my resources.

                Remember, this isn't Civ2, you can't just run down an entire enemy civilization and expect to run cities as if they were yours all along. It's a good thing that they don't like you. It would be seriously messed up if civs were thrilled with idea of producing military units to use against their own people!


                • #9
                  Building it in the middle doesn’t work if that is in the ocean.

                  But seriously, I don’t mind resistance. That is realistic and cool. But when the other Civ is dead and gone and I have breed out all of the locals... Then they should get in line.

                  "Build Ports when possible. A port gives you extra resources, as well as an extra tile for a unit to stand on." - Infogrames


                  • #10
                    I strongly agree. In Civ2 I agree Corruption was a little too weak, but in Civ3 it is FAR too excessive & powerful. As the many other multiple posts others have stated here as well in the "First Impressions" thread - Corruption is EXTREMELY out of hand & there are NO effective solutions for it.

                    I think it hasn't been mentioned as much lately simply because not much more can be said about it.


                    • #11
                      I think it may be possible to edit this in thie editor. So I heard from some fireaxians.
                      A wise man once said, "Games are never finished, only published."


                      • #12
                        Until there is an official fix/change for corruption, you can always check out my mod- I have made the Police Station able to quench curruption like the courthouse, with only mild cost increases for the improvement.

                        Click my sig to get the mod:


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Stromprophet
                          I think it may be possible to edit this in thie editor. So I heard from some fireaxians.
                          Not really. You can edit the optimal number of cities under each map size, but it is the distance to capitol that is the real killer.

                          "Build Ports when possible. A port gives you extra resources, as well as an extra tile for a unit to stand on." - Infogrames


                          • #14
                            Then how come i have a civilization with more 25 cities which suffers 50% corruption in its most corruption cities at most?

                            The corruption issues can be worked out, but slow expansion, WTLC and culture most all be considered.


                            • #15
                              Hmmmm... I have seen a lot of ppl refer to culture impacting corruption, but that is not what Firaxis has been quoted as saying...?

                              And I have had cities that are well within my Empire and have been there from 1750-1950 with _no_ improvement in corruption. That is with courthouse, temple, cathedral, library and all luxuries... Oh, and they were always in WLTK mode. With only an aqueduct and enough luxuries that's easy.

                              "Build Ports when possible. A port gives you extra resources, as well as an extra tile for a unit to stand on." - Infogrames

