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how to make army's?

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  • how to make army's?

    Hi everyone: could someone tell me please on how to group your military units into an army? or is it possable?
    I have lots of riflemen that I would like to group together into an army so it would be easyer to attack mine enemies.
    thanks in advance
    p.s. I've parused the hand book but I can't seem to find it, I've tried the index as well as the listing's at the back of the book as well.

  • #2
    well, first of all you need a lot of luck my friend.
    you should win a lot of battles with your elite units and with some luck one them should spawn a great leader.
    hurry him to a city and you will see two new buttons at the lower end of the screen (above five standard ones); build army, hurry production.

    you sacrifice your leader to build an army; after that you can load ground units into that army.

    after your army wins its first victory; small wonder "heroic epic" becomes available; which enables you to construct army units in cities without the need of a leader..

    one other thing; i would not have used an army for defensive units.. even in a city with barracks, they donot not heal completely in one turn, its more like an offensive thing.. i believe.


    • #3
      Grouping together riflemen to attack will prove futile, I'm afraid. You'd be better off grouping three Knights/Calvary together to have a potent attack army. This will also give the Army a fast movement rate. You can also mix-and match units, though it will move as fast as the slowest unit in the army only.

      Tutto nel mondo è burla

