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Combat Results Calculator

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  • Combat Results Calculator

    This program was made by Xerxes314 on the Civ Fanatics Forum. And after bonking heads on some values and helping him on exact binomial probability calculations.....his latest program does a DAMN fine job.

    He be da link:

  • #2
    Zoomed of the first page....well going to try 1 shameless bump.


    • #3

      Conscript Modern Armor vs. Elite Pikeman in a hillside metropolis behind a river, fortified: Armor has 48% chanse of winning...

      "Build Ports when possible. A port gives you extra resources, as well as an extra tile for a unit to stand on." - Infogrames


      • #4
        Originally posted by Akaoz

        Conscript Modern Armor vs. Elite Pikeman in a hillside metropolis behind a river, fortified: Armor has 48% chanse of winning...

        it is not possible to draft armor; so it will at least be regular..

        combat odds in general are not that bad by the way.. think about the taliban stuff.. if it were possible to wipe out the entire country without a single loss, US could as well send her armors but is not doing so, why?

        **** happens, u know..


        • #5
          Hey, that's really cool! I can only assume it's accurate ... !
          I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

          "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.


          • #6
            Can on see the equqations anywhere?

            (Would be nice to have them in printed version or something...
            Locked at sourcecode, but Javascript not Jeje2's skill)
            Last edited by Jeje2; November 5, 2001, 05:21.


            • #7

              Okay you asked for it. The program uses the exact binomial probability equation calculator. This equation is

              P(x) = (n over x factorial) * p^x * q^(n-x)

              n = number of trials
              p = probability of success
              q = 1- p
              x = number of successes in n trials
              n-x = number of failures in n trials

              n = attackers HP + defenders HP - 1
              p = attackers attack power / (attackers attack power + defenders defensive power)
              * note do not forget to add in the defenders defensive bonuses it its attack power before plugging it into p*
              q = 1 - p
              x = is a variable that ranges from a min of the defenders HP value to a max of n
              n-x = is a variable that ranges from a min of zero to a max of (attackers HP - 1)

              The program then goes through and then determines that out of n trials (max number of tuns in a battle before a unit dies), the attacker will win at least the defenders HP number of turns.

              Trust me, its quite accurate.


              • #8
                Thanks for sharing

                Very nice utility; thanks for sharing.

                Have you thought about adding air and water units?
                I'm also interested in how bombard works....
                The unwashed masses are never satisfied.

                It would be nice if the defense strength box could be changed (the modified defense and attack boxes work fine). Although one can always change the defending unit to something with the appropriate defense rating.

                I'm really enjoying the game so far--don't understand the angry muttering.
                I'm not sure I understand all the complaining--the game is highly customizable.

