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Too many people cheating in Civ III?

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  • Too many people cheating in Civ III?

    How come the solution to everything that you don't like is to change it in the editor? This is cheating and I can't believe so many people are endorsing/doing it. If corruption is very high, resources are too low, science too slow, and so on, it's part of the goals of the developer. If you go and change what's the point? You are basically circumventing the game to suit your desires...

    Changing graphics, interface, or something like that is all right... but when you go and change everything just because you don't agree with it, that's cheating!!!


  • #2
    "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


    • #3
      Well.. no. I think people just to want game more realistic for their own taste by using the editor. I don't think that they'll use it to give themselves an advantage. If you change like unit's attacking rating, the unit's attacking rate also changes for the AI, so where's the cheat??


      • #4
        Well I don't think it's cheating. But I stated in a different thread that I don't want to do this because then the strategies they read, or strategies I post are useless because we are playing different games. This also applies to stories of my game, complaints to possibly be addressed in a patch, etc.

        One person actually dismissed my comment by saying I should play a different game if I don't want to customize the game rules. I guess he doesn't understand the concept of customer feedback and how complaints get addressed in patches.


        • #5
          EDIT: Soren has rendered this post obsolete.
          Last edited by Pembleton; November 4, 2001, 15:40.


          • #6
            once the good players play the game some, and can disciminate the working strategies to the masses of editor changing newbies, then it will slow down. until then, the reaction to something being hard will be to change it in the editor. sides its just a game yall.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Pembleton

              Well because the AI has been programmed to play given the set of rules that it has originally has and not the ones you gave it. If then conditions are not a strong strategy when rules are changed.
              True but still I don't think people are trying to give themselves an advantage (which is same as cheating).


              • #8
                What was the point of them including an Editor if people didn't change the game to the way they like??
                Stop . Learn . Adjust . Strke


                • #9
                  Originally posted by yavoon
                  sides its just a game yall.
                  Not for me.

                  Civ2 is the greatest game I have ever played and I have the same expectations for Civ3.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by BiggN
                    What was the point of them including an Editor if people didn't change the game to the way they like??
                    For scenarios. Or faster production for quicker games in multiplayer.


                    • #11
                      Why should ANYBODY care if people are using the editor to change things to their liking... Unless they are making changes, then posting records or bragging.... WHO CARES. It's a game... It's meant for entertainment... Let people do whatever they want. Now, when MP comes out
                      Keep on Civin'
                      RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Ming
                        Why should ANYBODY care if people are using the editor to change things to their liking... Unless they are making changes, then posting records or bragging.... WHO CARES. It's a game... It's meant for entertainment... Let people do whatever they want. Now, when MP comes out
                        I don't care what other people do.

                        I was giving my reasons why *I* don't do it and I believe this is was at least part of the original poster's intent.

                        It's a response to everyone suggesting that you edit the game every time you have some sort of complaint. They dismiss everything you say as useless because "well you can just edit it".


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by KoalaBear33
                          How come the solution to everything that you don't like is to change it in the editor? This is cheating and I can't believe so many people are endorsing/doing it.
                          In what way is this cheating? The rule-changes in the game-editor most often apply to ALL participants - the HP and the AI-civs alike. Besides; what make you think that every change a rule-tweaking player does in that game-editor, must be favourable towards himself?

                          You are basically circumventing the game to suit your desires...
                          And thats the beauty of it. You are free to make things easier and to make things harder. To lay the burden even more on the shoulders of the human player. Its a free choice...


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Ralf
                            In what way is this cheating? The rule-changes in the game-editor most often apply to ALL participants - the HP and the AI-civs alike. Besides; what make you think that every change a rule-tweaking player does in that game-editor, must be favourable towards himself?
                            Because the suggestion is mostly made to people who are complaining about something that hampers their playstyle. It's not usually given to people who complain the game is too easy. If the game's too easy then play at a higher difficulty level. And if Deity is too easy then it's time to suggest the editor, but at that point it would be best to change the game differently for you and the computer and I don't know if this can be done.

                            And it's a question of semantics about cheating. It's probably too strong a word, but I understand why it's being used. I already stated in this thread is that it is because the AI IS PROGRAMMED FOR THE ORIGINAL RULES. Not the ones you gave it. It already does a lot of stupid things. Now you are most likely giving it a handicap because its particular strategy may possibly be totally moronic because it's not supposed to be done in a particular "aritificial" environment that you gave it.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Pembleton

                              Because the suggestion is mostly made to people who are complaining about something that hampers their playstyle. It's not usually given to people who complain the game is too easy. If the game's too easy then play at a higher difficulty level. And if Deity is too easy then it's time to suggest the editor, but at that point it would be best to change the game differently for you and the computer and I don't know if this can be done.

                              And it's a question of semantics about cheating. It's probably too strong a word, but I understand why it's being used. I already stated in this thread is that it is because the AI IS PROGRAMMED FOR THE ORIGINAL RULES. Not the ones you gave it. It already does a lot of stupid things. Now you are most likely giving it a handicap because its particular strategy may possibly be totally moronic because it's not supposed to be done in a particular "aritificial" environment that you gave it.
                              The AI is not hard-coded with the original game rules... it should be able to adapt to most changes made to the BIC file. This is not to say that you can't create something that the AI won't know how to use (like, say, a tank which can also found cities), but making minor gameplay tweaks (like adjusting corruption) should not have a noticeably detrimental effect on the AI.

                              Or at least, that's the theory.
                              - What's that?
                              - It's a cannon fuse.
                              - What's it for?
                              - It's for my cannon.

