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Resources too scarce??

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  • Resources too scarce??

    I like the idea of resources but they seem too scarce to me. On my first game I'd explored 80% of the map by the time I'd researched Gunpowder & I could only see 2 deposits way, way distant from me with no chance of capturing it. OK, treat that game as a learning experience & restart. This time I'd scouted my continent by the time I'd got Iron Working & guess what, no iron at all even though there were tons of mountains & hills in my area!
    I wouldn't mind if I could do something about not having a resource such as going to war or trading but when there is none to be seem or the Ai won't trade & they aren't near you then you get stuffed.
    Would it be too much to ask to make sure that there is a deposit of the needed stuff within 20 hexes of your starting position, especially on the easier levels, so you don't waste hours only to find your game crippled?

  • #2
    Well, yes. Strategic resources are not really common but IMO this adds fun to the game. When you need to go to war to get Coal or Oil, or when you need to sign a humiliating agreement only to get that Iron...
    "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.


    • #3
      Too many resources

      Actually, on the Earth scenario there seem to be TOO MANY resources (playing Monarch). Tons of slatpeter, rubber, iorn, coal horses.... luxuries too.

      Maybe I need to try a random map!


      • #4
        you can increase the probability of resources in the editor.
        Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

        Do It Ourselves


        • #5
          Originally posted by Stevet
          Would it be too much to ask to make sure that there is a deposit of the needed stuff within 20 hexes of your starting position, especially on the easier levels, so you don't waste hours only to find your game crippled?
          Dan Magaha quote:
          "Check out the world sizes tab of the rules pages in the editor, you can increase the distribution probability which will mean more of that resource will be seeded in each map."

          Go ahead and do it - you can always change it back.


          • #6
            Can one choose the frequency of Resources?


            IMHO that would be quite good - at least in the random maps. This way one could choose how much resources there are to be (Ex. on could choose between, a liitle, some, plenty and andom)
            on the map. And thus creating totally different games, by just altering this one value.

            FIRAXIS: Oh, please add this feature if it doesn't excist already.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Jeje2
              FIRAXIS: Oh, please add this feature if it doesn't excist already.
              Read again. It does exist already.
              And Im sure there is some way to alter corruption-rate as well. Go ahead and look.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Ralf

                Read again. It does exist already.
                And Im sure there is some way to alter corruption-rate as well. Go ahead and look.
                Sure is. The editor is actually very good - there are very few thigns you can't change. The thing is, you can't add much. I think the only thing you can add are goverments.
                Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

                Do It Ourselves


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Ralf
                  Read again. It does exist already.
                  OK, it's in the editor, but I would like to have it in the normal start up...

                  So when I choose what kind of a world I'm playing in, I could also choose the frequenzy of resources. (Just like barbarians is now chosen.)

