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Population changes and laborer layout... arghh!

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  • Population changes and laborer layout... arghh!

    One of the most annoying things in CIV (and I don't know of any Sid CIV where this hasn't been the case) is whenever there is a change in the population count in a city, the laborers get rearranged.

    This happens everytime you gain or lose some of your population. I wish that my setup for my laborers would just stay the same, and one laborer would be added to a non-worked tile when the population goes up, and that one laborer would be taken away when the population goes down.

    It is just too annoying to have to keep track of cities that I am purposefully starving or have unique labor setups with.

    :small complaint :

  • #2
    I haven't noticed this much in my games so far. Although it hasn't really been as important.

    I think in competitive multiplayer environment this is hard to watch, especially if it's integral to your strategy. Having certain resources worked and then they change on you.

    I found it happened more often when I built sets.
    A wise man once said, "Games are never finished, only published."


    • #3
      Oh well, just a little bit of micromanaging to do. No biggy.

      But the real buster is when you have a lot of specialists in a city- everything gets reset to maximize food!


      • #4
        arggh mayte! you shall then walk thy plank!

