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Penaltys for switching projects

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  • Penaltys for switching projects

    Did lots of people complain about the penalties for switching projects. I kind of liked how in the higher levels you would lost like half of your shield if you switched what you were working on.
    It made it so you had to choose wisely from the begining what you were going to build. But I guess most people didn't agree with me.

    Also less importent to me, what about the limits on science research in civ2. I kind of liked how different govs could allocate different amounts of recources maximum to research.

  • #2
    I never complained about it, but I am glad the penalty is gone.

    And I can see why they did this for CivIII- first, your wonders that get built by another civ can not be used by us to 'cache up' production for use later. If we couldn't switch in mid-build, this would lead to treamendous waste.

    Also, with the governors and domestic advisors picking stuff to produce for you, it would be bad if, say, they picked a spearman when you are able to build Knights.


    • #3
      Production type switching penalty is minor, so I would prefer their decision be based on whatever helps the AI the most. If the AI often switches production, then no penalty should exist. If the AI never switches production, then a penalty should exist.


      • #4
        That last post raises a nice question : does AI switches production ? Anyone cares to answer ?
        If you were in my movie...


        • #5
          I miss the penelty for switching. I can see switching a tank to a plane. No penelty (or a small one) is appropriate.

          But realism really flies out the window when you switch from building a colosium, to say a Cossak. From a SIM standpoint, that just doesn't make any sense.

          Fine you could take the raw materials and put them to another use... but it would take time and/or cause waste of some of the material.

          I think the system they had going in SMAC was good.


          • #6
            its not really a realism thing, civ series hasn't really been that realistic any ways.

            Its more about the statagy, in that it seems cheap that you can really choose what you want to build the turn before it would be done. You don't actually choose what to build in the begining. You could be building some marketplaces in a few of your cities and all of a sudden have a huge army built in one turn.

