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Resource exhausted without being used!!!!

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  • Resource exhausted without being used!!!!

    Its still early in this game.. I have built nothing but settlers, workers, and warriors. I ran a road across some iron a few turns ago and it just disappeared as exhausted!!!

    I have not built ANY units that require iron!! this should not happen! They randomly deplete even if I am not using them???

    Please tell me this is a bug.

  • #2

    It also doesnt appear to be as "ramdom" as we would think. I went back one, two then three turns in the autosaves... it depleted each time. So whatever is making it deplete is a fixed event or something already seeded in the save game.

    Anyway I've double checked and I indeed have no iron-requiring units of any kind, yet it depletes.


    • #3
      yes, it happened to me

      yep, happened to me, wasn't building anything with iron and poof, there she went, had to end up deeeply in a trade debt to get iron to build units(which really PO'ed me off).

      I like the idea of resourse depletion, but I think that this is a bug. (either that or a bad design decision).

      wish they whould let us stockpile resourses when they aren't being used(hint, Fraxis)


      • #4
        The resource is like can get exhausted without doing anything


        • #5
          Why Resourses Disappear....

          Here is the answer to the disappearing resourses

          once they are connected to any civ's trade network via roads there is a chance of them disappearing every turn, to represent the depletion of the resourse. The percentage is low and never more than 1% per turn.

          Oil and Uranium are most prone to depletion.

          Once the resourse is connected to a civ with a road that resourse is considered being used by that civ, it doesn't matter if your using it or not for units or trade.

          an example would be rubber and oil resourses, needed for military units, but also would be needed for everyday automobiles which i'd think the game would be assuming your citizens had by this time.

          Prepare for the Rise of My Empire into the History Books.....Again!


          • #6
            I don't remember seeing this in the manual, but in my game every time a resource was depleted, a new source popped up somewhere. Twice, it popped up in my city radius, already roaded, and I got a message telling me I'd found a new source. So, after a source gets depleted, look all over the map, even where you've looked before, for another source.


            • #7
              depleting resourses

              I got that useful tidbit out of the strategy guide, sometimes they do have useful stuff besides the standard charts.

              and i'll remember about the reappearing.. although so far i've only had one resourse dissapper on me.. saltpepper,, but I didn't look for more as i'd had 4 sites of it.

              Prepare for the Rise of My Empire into the History Books.....Again!


              • #8
                Thanx for the resource depletion info


                • #9
                  thanks Delbert

