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Naval Woes!

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  • Naval Woes!

    Having the LightHouse and being proud of my citizens acomplishments. I set forth to discover new lands. Never one to turn back I continued west.

    I was close to home and thought that my steadfast crew would be able to pilot on without me at the helm. This was not to be the case.

    What Happened on the Trieme bounty.

    I first tried Selecting the water square next to my city. This of course set an auto course of 24 turns east

    I then selected the black square just to the right of the water tile. PERFECT only 6 turns going west. So I go of and do my thing.

    Only to discover 4 turns later the boat is heading east. What the heck - I try the waypoint 3 more times with this ship and another, and the both did it. Grrrr. The ship on autopilot wouldn't wrap around the map if the other side wasn't explored - yet it would plot a route to the "short" side -

    So, I had to take the helm personally and I Left Arrowed myself home no problems.

    Stupid Computer Generated Galley Slaves!
    can't circumnavigate the globe by themselves!!

    If anybody has any insight I'd appreciate hearing.
    (and I've already read enough FIRAXIS/CIV III slams so if it's not constructive well you know......enough said)

    Tim Tracey
    Last edited by TimTracey; November 3, 2001, 18:47.

  • #2
    Doesn't the lighthouse only allow Triremes to navigate sea? I'm assuming there was a lot of ocean in the way. Remember, sea is different from Ocean, there are 3 types of sea.

    Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses


    • #3
      If only they could mutiny!

      Find their descendents inbreeding with some tribespeople on some islands years later.


      • #4
        Originally posted by redstar1
        Doesn't the lighthouse only allow Triremes to navigate sea? I'm assuming there was a lot of ocean in the way. Remember, sea is different from Ocean, there are 3 types of sea.

        This was the Ocean I was crossed!



        • #5
          Triremes have been removed, those are galleys. Lighthouse now lets any ship sail safely over ocean or sea. They made the lighthouse better since it royally sucked last time.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Pyrodrew
            Triremes have been removed, those are galleys. Lighthouse now lets any ship sail safely over ocean or sea. They made the lighthouse better since it royally sucked last time.
            The Lighthouse actually increases the 'depth' each of the naval vessels can traverse. So a Galley (Trireme) can cross coastal and sea squares safely with it, and Caravels can travel all water with it.

            So probably what was happening is the AI was setting the 'safest' possible route for your galley.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Anunikoba

              The Lighthouse actually increases the 'depth' each of the naval vessels can traverse. So a Galley (Trireme) can cross coastal and sea squares safely with it, and Caravels can travel all water with it.

              So probably what was happening is the AI was setting the 'safest' possible route for your galley.

              Actually, it was setting the fastest route. Following to the edge of the map, but wasn't able to "wrap" around to the other side.

              I guess I didn't make myself clear, sorry everybody.

