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#%^@@ Governor

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  • #%^@@ Governor

    That damn governor is really starting to piss me off. And I can't TURN HIM OFF.

    I'm playing as the persians, and whenever i finish ANYTHING in an inland city, infantry, tanks, artillery, jets, that #%#^@!@#% moron tells the city to produce IMMORTALS.


    I've tried turning him off. I've told him to build NOTHING. To control NOTHING. i've done this repeatadly but that moron will NOT listen.

    Why do I need a governor? The way firaxis has this game designed, you don't want to have more than a dozen or so cities. I used to be able to remember what every city and unit in my civ 2 army was suppsoed to be doing at any given time in an empire of 50 cities. They don't think i can handle a dozen?

    I'm really getting sick of immortals.
    By working faithfully eight hours a day, you may get to be a boss and work twelve hours a day.

  • #2
    Let me guess - you also turned off the ability to build structures and wealth, right?

    It has to put something in the queue.
    Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

    Do It Ourselves


    • #3
      One of our design goals when we started to remake Civ3 was to reduce the number of pop-ups to an absolute minimum to make the game flow better. However, we have definetly heard that many of you are upset that you are not prompted when

      a) your city goes into Civil Disorder
      b) your city finishes a military unit

      We will be addressing both of these issues in the patch (most likely as a pref...) Hope you can bear with us until then...
      - What's that?
      - It's a cannon fuse.
      - What's it for?
      - It's for my cannon.


      • #4
        Well. Thanks for the reply. :-) It's nice to know that you are listening.

        But its not like i have a chocie as to dealing with it, do I? Why can't we turn him OFF completly? I don't want a popup, I want the city to DO WHAT I TOLD IT TOO.
        By working faithfully eight hours a day, you may get to be a boss and work twelve hours a day.


        • #5
          I heard that you can change the orders for the governer, but I can't figure out where...

          It's annoying when during peace my cities start building riflemen and cavalry when I really don't need them and they'll only drag down my economy.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Kc7mxo
            Well. Thanks for the reply. :-) It's nice to know that you are listening.

            But its not like i have a chocie as to dealing with it, do I? Why can't we turn him OFF completly? I don't want a popup, I want the city to DO WHAT I TOLD IT TOO.
            Not sure what you mean... Let's say you ordered the city to build, say, a Spearman. The city built a Spearman and then the Governor decided to start building an Immortal. How did the Governor not do what you told it to? Did you tell it never to build offensive ground units?
            - What's that?
            - It's a cannon fuse.
            - What's it for?
            - It's for my cannon.


            • #7
              I LOVE the governors. Dont forget you can change city management AND city production. Just fiddle with the units/production dropdowns, and fiddle with the city/continent/civ drop downs. When I say fiddle I mean adjust to your liking. My governors build according to war/peace, and also keep me out of civil disorder. Next thing you know they'll be sleeping with me to get ahead. Yikes.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Akron
                I heard that you can change the orders for the governer, but I can't figure out where...
                Press G when in the city screen. From there you can control the governor...



                • #9
                  Originally posted by Soren Johnson Firaxis

                  Not sure what you mean... Let's say you ordered the city to build, say, a Spearman. The city built a Spearman and then the Governor decided to start building an Immortal. How did the Governor not do what you told it to? Did you tell it never to build offensive ground units?
                  I think everybody is meaning this:

                  (quote from Nemo's post)

                  Governor ruining my game, please help me disable it...

                  Ok, maybe in the later stages of the game I will use the governor, but for now, I want to dictate my own buildings of unit/improvements/wonders. I have set it to "off" or "no" for EVERYTHING and made it the default. However, after I build a military unit it keeps switching production on me without asking, and it is pissing me off to no end. Remember in Civ II when you build an improvement it would ask you what to build next, but when you built a military unit it would just keep building them till you switched? how do I make it like that, but without filling the queue with 200 replicas of the same unit? I just want the city to pump out a particular unit, without using the queue.
                  I'm too very annoyed when governor switches my military productions and I don't want to fill every city's production queue with marines (or whatever I try to build) and the queues run to the end eventually then I realize that couple of cities is building Samurais or something stupid.


                  It's nice that popup comes when you build an improvement, but I don't want to see popups when I mass product my armies. So if I build a marine, and when it's done, I want city to start another marine.

                  I hope this clears things up. And please, don't come to say to me that you can control what your governors build with governor screen..

                  Thank you.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Wexu
                    It's nice that popup comes when you build an improvement, but I don't want to see popups when I mass product my armies. So if I build a marine, and when it's done, I want city to start another marine.
                    That does clear things up.... thanks!
                    - What's that?
                    - It's a cannon fuse.
                    - What's it for?
                    - It's for my cannon.


                    • #11
                      When do you think the patch will be released?


                      • #12
                        why does the interface have to be so much harder to learn?

                        i remember a couple years back i didnt need a instruction manual just to figure out how to see the best citys in the world or how to establish an embassy with another civ

                        i didnt establish and embassy until the late 1800's

                        i'm sure once i learn all the shortcut keys it will be easier to play but i dont like it the way it is now..

                        why cant more things, be more apparent/have a link to them?

                        like pressing G for a govenor to pop up.. could'nt there be and icon in the city?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Wexu
                          It's nice that popup comes when you build an improvement, but I don't want to see popups when I mass product my armies. So if I build a marine, and when it's done, I want city to start another marine.
                          yes! yes! like in civ2, when a unit is done, it just keeps building THAT SAME UNIT. no extra pop-ups needed for unit builds. although, an _option_ for a pop-up is definately needed for civil disorders and maybe famine.
                          Last edited by Nemo; November 3, 2001, 21:20.


                          • #14


                            • #15
                              Ditto Wexu and Nemo!!

                              Soren, please listen to these guys!! I think they echo many other civers same thoughts!!

