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2 biggest prblems

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  • #16
    good point kc, i ahve never seen the ai build a colony either... they just build cities anywhere and everywhere.. im sure if water had resources they would build a city on the water too....

    firaxis care to comment on the colonies issue? What is the point of colonies? There is no advantage.. we might as well build cities so our resources dont get robbed.


    • #17
      an observation

      One things for sure, the way it works now sure give you ample opportunity to go to war simply to protect and procure resources.

      In one game, Im on this huge continent and when saltpeter is finnaly revealed... ONE, thats right, one saltpeter right inbetween myself and the Germans. I must have fought 5 or 6 wars with them over this damn thing. (im not one to just wipe out other civs, though I did have to eventually)

      Agreed that colonies should be part of your teritory, but that dosent stop the problem your describing...

      I had some insence (that desert lamp) and built a colony on it, after fightin the indians for control of the luxury my glowing culture embraced that as part of my teritory, but not the square next to it. What do the Indians do, they build a city right next to the luxury again, and bam, my borders are now shrunk by one square in each direction.

      I must have been mistaken because I though I remember reading in the manual that when borders meet they dont expand aginst one another.

      Homo homini lupus.


      • #18
        I have yet to see it make a SINGLE colony.

        I saw one in my game yesterday
        “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
        - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


        • #19
          Can you people not send units to patrol near a colony? if you detect a Settler moving towards you colony, intercept it.. and then block or destroy the settler before it settles.



          • #20
            We shouldnt have too

            I agree that you should patrol colonies with your units in order to defend them from those who would destroy them, but they should still be part of your territory and not subject to loss with the construction of a nearby city.

            If a civ plops down a city and destroys your colony it should be an act of war. Would the english have just laid back and allowed the French to invade, say Boston (when it was a colony) without retaliation? No, and the French knew it, which is why its an act of war.

            As to blocking a settler or just destroying it, blocking is difficult, and destroying it is an act of war, and some of us dont want to declare war every 10 turns when the annoyance in question sends yet another settler to steal your resources.

            Homo homini lupus.


            • #21
              couldnt have said it better LB..

              LB i have also had the same problem you mentioned before.. with other civs builing a city right at ur borders edge causing your border to decrease and colonies that were inside to become wothless.

              civs shouldnt be bulding cities just anywhere.


              • #22
                I've had the problem with them walking through my borders as well. For the most part, it's obvious why they want too (ex: British ran out of room to the south and wanted to expand on the far side of me) Also, I've noticed they tend to send workers/ settlers and small defense force more often than other units. The only time I have seen large scale military forces was when my next door civs decided I looked like an easy target and were about to start a war.

                I don't mind any of this. What bothers me is the people that I demand they remove, they do and the next turn they move RIGHT BACK WHERE THEY WERE! Very frustraing, but so far I have just demanded they remove tehm every year for a long time and eventually they stopped.


                • #23
                  you know ive found that civs will go through your civ and disregard your borders especially if they are at war with someone that puts you in the middle. i controlled the center of a archipelago and the only way to stop both the germans and the aztecs from going through my territory is to put units there to stop them . its ridiculous too from the point of

                  (big point, i wish this was im so i could jack the size)

                  SLOWING DOWN THE GAME!!!!!!!

                  why in gods name can do i have to watch every single (explicative) move by allied troops in my territory. i dont care, and seriously, i should not have to be able to take a shower, do laundry and attend a class between turns. there needs to be an option in the inevitable series of patches to address this. i wouldnt mind allied troops in my territory so much if i didnt have to watch 50 troops move from space to space. and about that. how the (explicative) does the ai afford the mass numbers of troops. if i have a 5th of the troop numbers they have im lucky. granted they are mostly obsolete, but how does the ai afford to keep up tech wise and still put endless troops miles from their borders and fund all of it? am I naive, a terrible player or just plain stupid. i apologize if all of this has been said before, but theres a lot of posts out there and i havent found this yet.
                  "So that's when it dawns on me... the sun that is, cause its seven in the morning, and im still playing civ"


                  • #24
                    Colonies were a cool concept poorly implemented. I hope they work on that in a patch, but I fear that the AI won't be able to handle it.

                    As for the slowdown issue, it is a killer. I hope they work on that in a patch or I won't be able to play past the ancient age. I simply can't stand the wait.

