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Time for a nice game of Civ II!

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  • #16
    your complaints are about what makes civ3 more chalenging then civ2. i dont think they are valid.

    also your sounding pretty stupid cus all the war system is described in the manual just look at it if you really cant figur it out..


    • #17
      Re: Civ III = CTP III


      And it makes me very sad =( I do not like a civ that forces me into specific fact I do not believe it's civ =(


      • #18
        Originally posted by HalfLotus
        Soren has confimed that AI suffers from corruption just as you do. Can't ***** about that.
        I can guarantee this is not true. Just try it. Investigate a nice AI city about 30 squares from its (forbidden) palace. For an extra shock, wait until they have 2x the number of cities you do.

        I agree that there are too many techs without rewards.

        You guys wanted a better AI right. Well, it isnt easy to expand as fast as them, but it can be done.

        About the trading, I've had a grand time trading every thing under the sun. You say they dont make ANY sense. I think they make sense most of the time. Alot of factors go into trading. Attitude, the other civs goals, the other civ culture (North Amer. get along better with each other, Asian better with Asian, etc.)


        • #19
          The Suggestion List

          Hopefully this thread can instead be made into a helpful Suggestion Thread for Firaxis.

          1- Corruption. From what I read from Soren's post (Firaxis) it sounds like they will balance corruption, atleast for the Tiny & Small maps where it is FAR too excessive (standard maps are difficult with corruption, large I can handle). It's the distance corruption which seems too high, this results in many packed-in cities favored rather than exploration & expansion. And as Stretch said, forget trying to build cities in Australia or South America if you started in England, even if they are empty... have to let your enemy have that land. Yet, as stated before it sounds like they will address this in the patch.

          2- Tech-Tree. I like the familiar tech tree, but not the heavily forced system in place which i think Mr.Bill is referring to. Being forced to research SO MANY techs before I can advance to the next age takes away my options & results in a more predictable game with less variety/risk. Yet it's nothing crucial, a minor change would suffice.
          Suggestion - In each age, Firaxis could remove 1 or 2 techs as a requirement for advancing to the next age.

          3- AI Expansion. I love that the AI expands quickly & I've read posts of people claiming they keep up with the AI & even won it. Unless someone can *prove* there is cheating leave it be. Civ3 AI are the "improved" Civ2 Expansionists, who were *always* the better AIs.
          Suggestion - I would love to see Civ3 AI Specialists & other AIs as well... even if they are not as good as the Civ3 AI Expansionists. This is a low priority tho, other issues should be addressed 1st.

          4- Trade. From what I understood historically trade occured *before* writing (which Civ3 requires for trade), but around alphabet. Trading is difficult, even the Iroquis (splg?) weren't as open-minded on their trading as I expected them to be when I was the Americans. I accepted their 1st offer when we met, but they still refused to deal fair afterwards (even at polite). Yet, it seems some are ok with the AI's trading.
          Suggestion - Those of the *same culture type* SHOULD trade/accept 1 on 1 deals with you, especially if you're on good terms or have just met. Allow trading to start at the alphabet instead. The AI should offer/propose more deals - this will increase the odds of successful trades being made with the player.

          5- Resources. Resources are always placed in clumps. Again Huge maps seem fine with resources... but the smaller the map doesn't seem to change the sizes of these clumps. This results in standard maps (or smaller) being much more difficult (as Spagina explained).
          Suggestion - Frixasis should adjust resource clump size to map size.

          6- Combat. I haven't had any excessive or extreme losses/wins.

          7- EarthMaps - Earth maps are poor, but I would prefer them spending time on the editor & other items and let the community here make the Earth maps.

          8- StartPositions - These will most likely be included in the upcoming patch. Just a few months - big deal.

          9- GameEditor - Scenarios don't need to have a map to them from what I read. So you can edit, make changes & save a scenario without a map... then the computer uses your settings for the next map you play.

          10- CheatMode - Other aspects of this game seem FAR more important than a cheat mode. But I wouldn't object to it if they put it in, it just should be a low priority.

          11- Graphics - Snoopy & others are improving the graphics if you visit the Creation forum to see. Then you can pick & choose what you like.

          12- Bombardments - Bombardments "damage city walls, military units, a portion of the city's population, or improvements." I don't know your situation Kindbud, but perhaps it was a small town which only had a worker/settler in it with no improvements. Thus no city walls, no military units, no improvements, & % of population not big enough to drop it down. Nevertheless, Firaxis should check this out.

          13- Lighthouse&Tiremes - They took out the Tiremes in Civ3 & the Lighthouse now makes safe sea/ocean travel for all ships. They improved this wonder because it sucked in Civ2.

          14- Research - Research is FINE. If anything they should provide an option to slow down the research since some like to use their units *before* they're obsolete (mentioned in other threads).

          Overall, I still like the game just needs some tweaks to be perfected.
          Last edited by Pyrodrew; November 3, 2001, 22:14.


          • #20
            Lots of points. But alot is result as metioned above, your play style.. Change it. Tip about corruption. Its about connection to the captial and how happy people are.. Not just courthouse and
            forbidden palace. And ofcourse goverment.

            But damn this game is fun. had to lower my difficulty to Regent to be able to stand a chance. 5 games lost at monarch teach you a lesson. But now i can keep up with the AI expansion and i love it when they are this good. Enough ranting. Hope firaxis can lessen your problems.

            Ok have to run was suppose to be at a party at 7... whoops one more turn..



            • #21
              Originally posted by Stretch
              yes! somone else finally posts the same frustration with resources as I have.. which im my case is ruining enjoyment of the game.

              its an easy fix..

              1) distribute the resources more evenly so at least there's a *chance* of them being near enough me to go after them by force.

              2) and I can't stress this one enough: CIVs which havent reached the tech level to use a resource should still be able to claim it and trade extras.

              Why don't you practically give that civ the tech required for him to see that resource? then he likes you that bit more and you'll probably get the resource almost straight away.
              Destruction is a lot easier than construction. The guy who operates a wrecking ball has a easier time than the architect who has to rebuild the house from the pieces.--- Immortal Wombat.


              • #22
                Tip about corruption. Its about connection to the captial and how happy people are.. Not just courthouse and
                forbidden palace. And ofcourse goverment.
                Connection to the capital is one, but if you're in Archipelago (islands) that goes out the window for most your cities. Soren (Firaxis) didn't list happiness as something that fights corruption, he didn't list culture (which many people believed fought corruption) either. Maybe he can confirm 1 way or another whether they are.


                • #23
                  While I admit that Civ3 is much more challenging to play then Civ2, and much more rewarding too, the Corruption is a bit insane. It isn't mearly punishing the ICSer, its punishing all non OCCers. My attempt for example to drive a wedge through the middle of two civilizations (and onto a belt of fertile terrain) ended up with me having to buy a dozen settlers because of the one production thing. In the end, I ended up using a Leader to build the Forbidden Palace too because I couldn't do anyhting in that area.

                  Wher there's a challenge, there must be a solution.......
                  *grumbles about work*


                  • #24
                    "Why don't you practically give that civ the tech required for him to see that resource? then he likes you that bit more and you'll probably get the resource almost straight away."


                    1) I have to give him like 6 techs to get there, hes is so far behind. I have given up the advantage I have worked for 6 hours to build.

                    2)even after I do.. its amazing but despite all the gifts he decides not to trade it with me because he knows I need it.

                    again.. higher difficulty level this is fine. The few times I wanna easily kick booty across the globe I cannot do it.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Spagina
                      Number one, the computer expands and breeds like ants. This gets extremely annoying, especially when I'm on my continent. I find I have to either build fortresses or cram units onto the fringes of my island empires that don't fall within my borders because the computer will cram 2 cities into 2 open tiles side by side if it has the chance. It gets very annoying, I just hope they tweak this a bit to make the computer build cities more sensibly instead of this half hazard sprawl across the entire globe.
                      I don't understand why this is a bad thing. This is a tactic I used on the AI in SMAC. It was a good way to get a solid beach head if a war with them came up.

                      Didn't everyone want the AI to act smarter and do the same sorts of things a human player would do?

