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Tell me if I am tired of this game...Need serious help people

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  • Tell me if I am tired of this game...Need serious help people

    I have played this over and over since I got it on wednsday. I have done abour 5-6 games and have gotten ot the middle ages.

    I have used about 8-10 civ's so far in the game weather they were short or not.

    I have lost every single game. I think I am doing good, then the AI Militarily attacks me and I am inre bublic so I cannot have bnig armys(don't pick that ****ty govn ever, inless u plan on lossing). I am playing warlord. 2'nd easiest level.

    I want to play again, but then I think I will just lose. And going down a easier level is not worth it cause then winning becomes easier and you know you have not solved you gameplay problem.

    The more civ's the moe fun, but the slower and it takes to get to your turns. The AI is smarter then a human mind. I guess the computer has won the war?

    Help...any motavation on why I should keep playing?

    A challange, I get so impatient when another civ(or 2 of them) declare war on me and I just want to fix my vitys, but ut takes 30 seconds a turn to load! drives me crazy

    please help(I can deal with the turns things, but what else can I do!)

  • #2
    Re: Tell me if I am tired of this game...Need serious help people

    Originally posted by MonarchyMajor
    The AI is smarter then a human mind
    I really think you might regret saying that

    Living in the "rest of the world" I don't have Civ3 yet so can't offer any suggestions, but a strategy that always worked in Civ2 was peace through superior firepower. If you're a republic your science should be good and hopefully ahead of your warlike neighbours. Republic/democracy are OK for fighting a defensive war or a limited counterstrike but don't get dragged into a long drawn out war with those govs.

    OK stating the blinking obvious but its early
    Hoping that 4 is closer to 2 than 3


    • #3
      Re: Re: Tell me if I am tired of this game...Need serious help people

      Originally posted by wal35
      Living in the "rest of the world"
      I'd hope from some of the major's grammar and spelling he's there too...... at least somewhere that English is not the native language of......

      Major - If you don't like playing it, don't play it. No one says you have to. Personally I only play because a little voice in my head says I must.

      "Just one more turn..... one more turn....."
      A witty quote proves nothing. - Voltaire


      • #4
        Well dont know if that old civ2 strategy will help: EXPAND!!
        especially in the early game. As much cities as possible. Make peace for every price and then you well have the military power to take it against the AI.



        • #5
          I'm in the middle of my 1st game (it's on Regent). I'm 1st in Literacy AND have the #1 city in the top5 ... and I'm about to get my face ripped off by the much stronger/bigger Babylonians (Aggressiveness4). My 1 only source of iron keeps them from cleaning their fangs with me like a toothpick right now. I have NO luxury resources in my area, so I have nothing to trade (techs are equal, gold went to buying techs from Iroquis). The demographics are very humbling for me to look at as most my numbers are between 10th-15th place (I'm playing 14 other civs), especially since I always easily won Emperor on Civ2 (but I haven't played Civ2 for about 3 years... that's the excuse I'm sticking with anyways ). But even tho I know I will probably be the Babylonians toothpick soon I still play... to learn, experience, & yes even die. In dying I learn ways it makes it harder for someone to kill me (which a cheat would never teach me). Not to give anyone a deep hunger, but the strategic possibilities for Civ3 in multiplayer are HUGE.

          What I would suggest for you MonarchyMajor is:
          1)You could read the Strategy Board if you don't mind someone else telling you what you could have discovered;
          2)Do NOT use Republic unless you are isolated on an island from the other civilizations, boats haven't been discovered, there are no barbarians & know how to use it. Atleast until you (and me included) get better at Civ3. These AIs have lots of surprises if you've read other people's prior posts.
          3)Try different styles - if being peaceful didn't work try different aggressive ideas. If being scientific didn't work try being gold/trade oriented. Etc. You might be gifted in a style you're not even trying.
          4)Why still play? For that orgasmic moment when you see you won.

