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Coal only in jungles?

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  • Coal only in jungles?

    I may just have been unlucky, but in the two games I have played so far, when I discovered steam I didn't get any Coal despite having fairly extensive empires with dozens of hill and mountain squares. In both cases I scanned my opponents territories to see if there was any coal I could snatch, and the only coal to be found was in jungle, plus a couple in grassland which was presumably cleared jungle.

    So, was I just unlucky, or does coal only appear in jungle?

  • #2
    Re: Coal only in jungles?

    Originally posted by Wombat
    I may just have been unlucky, but in the two games I have played so far, when I discovered steam I didn't get any Coal despite having fairly extensive empires with dozens of hill and mountain squares. In both cases I scanned my opponents territories to see if there was any coal I could snatch, and the only coal to be found was in jungle, plus a couple in grassland which was presumably cleared jungle.

    So, was I just unlucky, or does coal only appear in jungle?
    Coal can be found in jungle, hills, or mountains. You can modify this to your liking in the editor.

    Dan Magaha
    Firaxis Games, Inc.


    • #3
      I realize the civilopedia says coal can appear in hills, mountains or jungles, but I just find it odd that in the two games I have played, one on a standard size map, one large, the only coal that appeared was in jungles, there wasn't even a single spot in mountains or hills. It just seemed so incredibly unlikely that it was worth a comment, and I'm curious to see if anyone who has played the released version has run into the same thing.


      • #4
        I've found lots of coal in the plains and mountains.

        Of course, I've chopped down the entire Jungle on my island by the time I'm ready to use coal. Really, don't you know that Jungle's cause disease?

        I'm more intrested in Rubber. On my huge contient I didn't have access to a single shred of Rubber, but I cleared out all the Jungle/Forest. Bad luck, or should I have kept some of them around?


        • #5
          Maybe the code places the resource squares at the beggining, so even if you cut down the jungle it'll still produce some coal when you get the right tech.
          We need to make some sort of FAQ about niggling things like this - I don't want to play my first games and lose all my work in my empire by making it to close to a diseased jungle or something (not the major gameplay things though which are fun to find out).

