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The Way Civ 3 Ought To Be

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  • The Way Civ 3 Ought To Be

    Civ 3 reviews have been very poor. These incompatent programers could not even get a multiplayer version together in 2 years of work. So screw them. Dont buy it without multiplayer.
    Now about a year ago I posted on things Civ 3 needed to do to make it succesfull. I will list them here again and let you that have the game reply on weather or not they accomplished these improvements. After all, as we all know, they had a great model of succes to work with, no need to totally redo the game, just fix the things that make civ 2 a bad game such as the following.....
    1) Starting Positions...I have yet to see starting positions be fair to all players. The soloution to this is easy..preprogram starting boxes(6 squares in any direction from first settler) = (but different) huts and resources and rivers. Make like 100 different starting positions.
    2) No tech or 2nd settler at start or an option to choose number of settlers to start with for each civ.
    3) Fairer Huts - assign a random number to each commodity a hut could produce. then as hut number one was opened then commodity one is recieved and so on till all comodities have been gotten then reasign numbers and do over so that each civ gets the same things only in different sequences and locations.
    4) Tech tree stupidity - If you have the prerequisits for a tech, for gods sakes, let me research it.
    5) Better combat rules - should be able to combine the attack strength and defense strength of units. also should have retreat options and general units that can add leadership values to combat and increase movement.
    6) Cheating- a) passwords should be absoloute.
    b) no more ending the turn so your ships dont sink
    c) no more reopening huts
    d) and clean up all the rest of the well documented
    7) Lessen the effects of wonders- they are way too powerfull
    8) add wonders- more options
    9) limit power of diplomats
    10) speed the game up- reduce the amount of beakers needed for tech...more huts...reduce number of techs.

    No where in these 10 did I mention make better graphics. The civ 2 graphics are great, no reason to change them.

    You take these suggestions with a workable model of civ 2 and civ 3 would have been a much better game then it is, which i heard it is bad.

    So now you know what the all mighty Strate has to say, what do you think?

  • #2
    many of your points were not fixed in civ3..its buggy as its predecessor and is too easy.....

    get a pirated copy like me and wait for MP and hope for patches..

    then you can shell out some bucks
    Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!


    • #3
      well its not too bad... missing MP of course, but the new cultural emphasis is reaaly suited to my style of play.

      I am finding it hard to stop palying and a few late nights combined with Christmas parties is meaning my week has been very busy with little sleep...

      I still think this game should be caleld CTP3 not civ 3 though as it definatly has lost the civ feel and gone more to Activissions style
      GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


      • #4
        I think I won't be purchasing Civ 3 this holiday season
        Sulla-The last dictator of Rome before Caesar. He changed Rome and Rome sure as hell changed him.


        • #5
          I find it a little boring without human opponents.
          Any views I may express here are personal and certainly do not in any way reflect the views of my employer. Tis the rising of the moon..

          Look, I just don't anymore, okay?


          • #6
            still no word fro mFiraxis on when MP will be releaseD?????
            GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


            • #7
              i doubt civ3 mp will ever be released....low end computers which was firaxis's biggest goal won't be able to handle it...
              Boston Red Sox are 2004 World Series Champions!

