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Open letter to Firaxis...problems with Civ III

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  • #61

    Originally posted by Dan Magaha FIRAXIS

    I agree wholeheartedly, and the editor gives you the power and flexibility to do this. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before someone creates a "Civ II Rules Mod" which will allow you to play Civ III in a style more similar to Civ II.
    Thanks for posting Dan, likewise for Soren!
    I agree, yet a "Civ2RulesModforCiv3" wouldn't be as effective. A Mod confines people to various aspects that everyone will be happy with. Adding 1 more page of options for the player who customizes would solve many of these issues. Resources are a part of the world generated & have a huge impact on the game (even more than quanity of water or terrain type).

    Resources = Rare Normal Abundant

    Even tho Civ2 had TONS of screens to fill out before starting a customized game I LOVED the flexibility of all the things I could customize by the quick click of a button (defaults set at Average/Normal). For Civ3 perhaps...
    Corruption = Rare Normal Abundant
    CulturePower = Low Normal Strong
    Border Territory from cities = Small Medium Lage
    Currency Production = Small Average Large
    Science Production = Slow Average Fast

    Click here to keep everything at normal & play

    Something like that would solve many of these issues at the same time. The guy who wanted technology to go slower could & the guy who wants more resources could.

    Yet, in meantime I'm puzzled how some people would completely give up on the game when all they have to do is spend 10minutes in the editor to make the changes they've mentioned here! Think too many resources are required for units - take some away. Think there aren't enough resources on the map, make them more plentiful. Very simple. I could understand people giving suggestions for the upcoming patch or for multiplayer fairness/balance, but not crying over their single-player game & quiting completely. Using the editor doesn't require Rocket Science as a requirement.


    • #62
      1) Battle system needs improvement
      I agree the aggressor should have a slightly larger advantage. Civ2's 'Firepower' being taken out (which favored the attacker), was not compensated for elsewhere & since 'Firepower' was often for more modern age units this is why the difference is greatest then. Attackers have it rough. Yet, battles are not the crime some are crying over, just needs some tweaking.

      2) More game info needs to be documented
      Everyone has their opinion, but this is even less important to me. Docs would be nice, but would you want the 1st patch you downloaded to be game improvements or a word document?

      3) Corruption is WAY out of hand
      Agreed, but given the 2 things which cause corruption it is only the Distance Corruption which is out of hand. Someone said they changed the "Optimal number of cities" in the editor to 200+ & they STILL had the excessive corruption. Process of elimination = it's Distance Corruption that is flawed not the corruption from # of Cities. Courthouses & other solutions work fine, but are nothing compared to the extreme power Distance Corruption has.

      [quote]4) AI Cheating (or at least bending the rules)

      Firaxis guys, Soren (and maybe Dan), has said a few times the AI doesn't cheat & they seem interested in our opinions for the patch. It doesn't seem like cheating to me, just strategy, luck, & fast growth strategies.

      5) Pollution is kinda hard to combat
      You're the 1st person to complain about this that I've seen.

      Research speed needs to be tweeked a bit...seems kinda slow. If corruption is reduced it will help speed this up since the new commerce that is freed up by reducing corruption will be diverted to science, tax and happyness.
      I've seen an equal number of posts from those who say they would like it slower as those who say they would like it faster. Research is fine. However, having an option to change Research Speed (faster or slower) is a good idea.


      • #63
        Housewife III (C) (TM)

        Originally posted by Dan Magaha FIRAXIS
        I agree wholeheartedly, and the editor gives you the power and flexibility to do this. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before someone creates a "Civ II Rules Mod" which will allow you to play Civ III in a style more similar to Civ II.
        Uhm. I got a negative impression from this reply. Why should I buy the shiny (expensive) CivIII to play it like CivII? Just for the new graphics?
        Please. For the editor? ...

        If CivIII is not balanced and not appealing (we do not know yet, we are just trying to know) then it is the developer fault. The developer (not the players) are up to perfect it.

        I do not want to slam CivIII, I live in Europe so I did not play it yet, and I like some of the new features like culture. Anyway I miss social engineering and multiplayer. And I fear the corruption-pollution-resources issues. I fear this game is something like Housewife III: raise the children, clean the house, go to the supermarket.

        I will wait, you know in Europe it takes some time to get the game
        The ice was here, the ice was there, the ice was all around: it cracked and growled and roared and howled like noises in a swound!


        • #64
          In Civ-2 it was always possible to play in peaceful, but arrogant "splendid isolation" most of the game. In Civ-3 you cant do that so easily. If you dont have access to the resource, and if the AI-civs dont want to, or cannot trade it with you - you MUST move out and conquer it. I think its a good thing.

          Fixing bugs however is a different matter. Also; making changes in that game-editor, in order to fine-tweak the game to meet your own preferences, is now MUCH easier then before. So go ahead and do it - thats why they added it in the first place.


          • #65
            Soren, did you ever get that saved file you asked for to investigate a possible bug in resource allocation?
            "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatum." — William of Ockham


            • #66
              Actually, I'm sorry to say I wasn't able to send it to him. One of the reasons I hadn't posted in a couple of days was I had to rebuild my PC from scratch - new Win ME install, etc. So that saved game has gone to digital heaven, unfortunately.

