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  • CARRIER bug ?

    Hey guys, been playing Civ3 for 2 days straight now... cutting class, skipping meals, neglecting hygene... all the symptoms of a classic Civ. But anyway- i have a few bugs/issues as in any game, but one thing that annoys me now...

    Are CARRIERS USELESS ? Is this a bug or are carriers a waste of money? I created a carrier and 4 bombers to go with it so I could perform my own "NATO style" bombing campaign on my German opponents. So I have all 4 bombers use the carrier as their base of operations and I steam toward the german coast with my little carrier group. First I land my troops on a nice hill next to the target city, who are to invade once the bombers soften up the garrison a little... problem- I cant perform missions from a carrier!!! I'm HOPING this is a bug because whats a carrier for if u cant conduct air operations from it? Also: word of advise... dont click "unload all" if u move a carrier toward a land square and have bombers on board... led to my game crashing!

    I'm sitting at work now and all I can think about is going home and playing Civ! Curses to you, Sid!

  • #2
    The carriers are my last hope to make air units usefull. If u can't use the as a base of operations this units are almost useless.
    Althought I had readed that carriers and cities are bases of operations for air strikes...
    Try check it again, and see if u didn't forget to open the correct menu or something...
    Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.


    • #3
      Actually, I think air units are extremely valuable. They're like artillery units that can't get captured, with a huge striking distance. Obviously, you can't use them to wipe out defenders, but a combined land-air force works wonders. Air units soften them up, tanks go in for the kill...


      • #4
        You can use them for air missions, you simply have to wake up the air unit so it's the selected one. It's not like you click on the carrier and select missions or anything like that. Wake them up like you do a fortified unit and then go to town


        • #5
          carriers can be rather useless. The manual states that a airplane can only rebase if the new base is within its operational range, but this isn't the case--you can pretty much re-base them anywhere, no matter the distance (even if its half way across the world).


          • #6
            Originally posted by Pisthetaerus
            carriers can be rather useless.
            I think the point is that, if you don't have any cities near the enemy, these will get your aircraft where they need to go.


            • #7
              How do you wake them up? I usually wake units by right clicking the tile they are in and choosing them from the list, but no list pops-up when I right click my carrier group. This works for transports but for some reason- not my carrier.

