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Diplomatic double standards

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  • Diplomatic double standards

    Ok, to start with, I have to say in general I love the diplomacy AI. The computer looks out for it's own interests, it makes demands if it's ahead, it'll give stuff up if you threaten it and have the strength to back it up.

    But, I have ONE major problem with. My last game, I playing England, tucked in the southwest of a major continent holding 8 (out of 12) of us. Russia is between me and everyone else, they're not real strong, middle of the pile, but they've got a strip of land about 5 wide between me and everyone.

    Now, the Egyptians and the stupid Germans declare war on me because they're jerks. I can handle them fairly easily, but Russia consistently allows them to pass through her territory (NO right of passage), without ever seeming to get upset at them.

    I on the other hand, take 2 steps in and she screams for a lawyer! Awful hard to fight a war when you aren't allowed to go attack your enemies, but they're free to attack you.

    Now, if this is deliberate behaviour on her part, that's fine, but it sure looks to me like the AI doesn't enforce it's borders against other AI civs.

  • #2
    Re: Diplomatic double standards

    Originally posted by Grunthex
    Ok, to start with, I have to say in general I love the diplomacy AI. The computer looks out for it's own interests, it makes demands if it's ahead, it'll give stuff up if you threaten it and have the strength to back it up.

    But, I have ONE major problem with. My last game, I playing England, tucked in the southwest of a major continent holding 8 (out of 12) of us. Russia is between me and everyone else, they're not real strong, middle of the pile, but they've got a strip of land about 5 wide between me and everyone.

    Now, the Egyptians and the stupid Germans declare war on me because they're jerks. I can handle them fairly easily, but Russia consistently allows them to pass through her territory (NO right of passage), without ever seeming to get upset at them.

    I on the other hand, take 2 steps in and she screams for a lawyer! Awful hard to fight a war when you aren't allowed to go attack your enemies, but they're free to attack you.

    Now, if this is deliberate behaviour on her part, that's fine, but it sure looks to me like the AI doesn't enforce it's borders against other AI civs.
    well, i didnot sign a single right of passage pact due to huge demands by the counter-AI but neighboring AIs seem to sign quite often. however, i didnot realize any kind of favor you mention, I check regularly and they have right of passage aggrements almost all the time.

    by the way, isnt it annoying to ask people to get out of your territory every single turn. i mean, those bastard indians, they keep violating my borders --with no clear prupose-- ever since borders got clear.. i just dont care anymore.. wish there was a way to automate the process.


    • #3
      Re: Re: Diplomatic double standards

      Originally posted by cort
      isnt it annoying to ask people to get out of your territory every single turn. i mean, those bastard indians, they keep violating my borders --with no clear prupose-- ever since borders got clear.. i just dont care anymore.. wish there was a way to automate the process.
      Oh no, not infinite "withdraw from my country" syndrome again
      To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.


      • #4
        Re: Re: Re: Diplomatic double standards

        Originally posted by Grumbold

        Oh no, not infinite "withdraw from my country" syndrome again
        well i guess its related with the leader charecteristics. i mean my neighbors are; english, egyptians and indians. the first two never violated my borders but the indians.. as i said.. they made a habit of it.. perhaps Gandhi is trying to provoke a war who knows..


        • #5
          Yep me too. Its the indians with me too.

          Hey Ghandi keep you steeenking elephants off my land... not that we don't appreciate the fertilizer..

          A coupel of comments. The Indians are at war with my northern neigbours(india being in the south) the germans. I found teh indians kept to themsleves (no tresspass) until i conned them in DoW on Germany (while I was at war). NOw they constantly just keep tryinto go north. I have no access agreement w/ them. But I do think that if you give an AI an alliance -- which automatically gives them access.. even when the alliance "ends" when one side ends the war .. the AI may not "forget" that sits access has been revoked.

          Then again it could just be that they are furious... looking for punch up but too chicken-dropping-scared to DoW.

          "Capitalism is man exploiting man; communism is just the other way around."


          • #6
            Re: Re: Diplomatic double standards

            Originally posted by cort

            well, i didnot sign a single right of passage pact due to huge demands by the counter-AI but neighboring AIs seem to sign quite often. however, i didnot realize any kind of favor you mention, I check regularly and they have right of passage aggrements almost all the time.
            Like I said, I checked with the foreign advisor (and I had all embassies established), and they clearly did NOT have RoP treaties. Just your basic peace.

            Boris pointed this out in another thread, over in Help I think. It ain't just me.

