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Just another example (in a long line) of Civ 3's unprecedented greatness

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  • Just another example (in a long line) of Civ 3's unprecedented greatness

    Recently while playing as the Aztecs I had been enjoying many millenia of relative peace, I thought to myself "if only the real world were the peaceful, we would be alright!"
    The next turn, for the first time in centuries, war breaks out! The Iroquois declare war on Russia over a small, trivial piece of land. Which leads to Rome declaring war on Russia as well. Which activated England and I declaring war on both the Iroquois and Rome, which led to France declaring war on the Iroquois and America declaring war on Rome, which led to France declaring war on America, which activated me declaring war on France (the world's other truly great superpower!) Currently I am struggling to fight off Iroquois invasion in the south, French invasion in the north, and Roman invasion by the seas. Just previous to this turn, France and I had signed a trade deal that I thought would have insured permanent peace between our two peoples. Who says this game doesn't have a rise and fall of empires feature?My empire is headed for a great fall...but, oh the bliss!

    "Yes; quaint and curious war is!
    You shoot a fellow down
    You'd treat if met where any bar is,
    Or help to half-a-crown."
    -Thomas Hardy

  • #2
    The Iroquois and French have each sent about 20 units each into my borders and this is only on chieftain! My great empire may not hold out!
    So much for the "Shoddy AI theorem"


    • #3
      A question -

      Is the AI trying to kick it's own arse as well?
      If the voices in my head paid rent, I'd be a very rich man


      • #4
        Sorry, double post.
        If the voices in my head paid rent, I'd be a very rich man

