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Interface annoyances

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  • Interface annoyances

    There is no "zoom to city after building unit" option.

    There doesn't seem to be an easy way to get to the civilopedia for units/buildings/wonders/terrain from the city display screen. There doesn't seem to be an easy way to get to the civilopedia for units/terrain from the main map. (An example of "easy" would be "click on Plains, go to entry for Plains in the civilopedia.")

  • #2
    Re: Interface annoyances

    Originally posted by ChrisShaffer
    There doesn't seem to be an easy way to get to the civilopedia for units/buildings/wonders/terrain from the city display screen. There doesn't seem to be an easy way to get to the civilopedia for units/terrain from the main map. (An example of "easy" would be "click on Plains, go to entry for Plains in the civilopedia.")
    Sure there is. When you hover the mouse over anything in the screen, a brown box with a "C" will appear. By clicking, it will take you to the Civilopedia. Alternatively, right-click on anything and it should have an option for going to its civilopedia entry.

    I am having trouble getting used to the arrow key interface. I am frequently sending units in the wrong direction. I've had the same problem with the mouse GoTo thing, inadvertently sending units off to who knows where. Just takes getting used to.

    Tutto nel mondo è burla


    • #3
      Re: Re: Interface annoyances

      Originally posted by Boris Godunov
      Sure there is. When you hover the mouse over anything in the screen, a brown box with a "C" will appear. By clicking, it will take you to the Civilopedia. Alternatively, right-click on anything and it should have an option for going to its civilopedia entry.
      That only works for some items, such as "culture" or "happy faces." If you hover the mouse over terrain, the production list, or other potentially useful Civilopedia links, there is no book icon. I want the book icon to be available for everything, not just for "game concepts."


      • #4
        In the City Screen, I wish you could right click on whatever you're producing to make the Civopedia (or whatever it's called) pop up with information on that unit or building.
        I notice you can right click on other parts of the city screen, but not production. Is there a way that i haven't seen?
        Where are you from? Put yourself on the Apolyton Map!

