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You left the coop early and got your head chopped off

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  • #46
    Originally posted by CyberShy
    Or do they complain because they do really care about scenario's ?
    I mean, who needs scenarios ? They suck anyway.
    I'm happy Firaxis didn't waste any time creating scenarios.
    you're right... i played all the civ, ctp, smac and whatever versions... i never played a scenario!! why?
    what i like about the civ-concept is the empire building stuff and not just fighting a battle or a war... i wanna start from the scratch and fight to the top...

    for me, the editor gives (most) functionalities i need to change my empire building configurations... events??? i don't care!!!


    • #47
      Re: Unstable..?

      Originally posted by TheXerox

      You obviously never bought WWII Online.. now that was a cluster F*** !
      LOL!! Howabout Anarchy Online....
      "What do you think Abraham Lincoln would be doing if he were alive today? (1) Writing his memoirs of the Civil War. (2) Advising the President. (3) Desperately clawing at the inside of his coffin."


      • #48
        Re: You left the coop early and got your head chopped off

        Originally posted by DarthVeda
        The reviewers, again, have shown that they aren't fit to poor pee out of a boot with the instructions written on the bottom.

        Where's there's smoke there is fire, and I've smelled the same variety of smoke before with Call to Power.

        I can already sense that Civ3 is a real stinker simply because the developers "just had" to make that deadline. Ship now, patch later. I've heard this before and I'm certainly fed up with the notion.

        They even had a pre-existing engine to go from and they still couldn't deliver multiplayer OR decent scenario support! What the hell!

        I saw this coming with CtP but was dumb enough to buy the game anyway! Activision corrected their errors in CtP2, but Firaxis simply repeated them all over again!

        Why in the hell should I buy Civ3, when I'd be far better off waiting for Civ3: The Expansion that's going to come a year from now when the game is actually finished?!?!

        Excuse me, but I'm pretty pissed off about this!
        I was waiting a long time for this game but unfortunately I have to totally agree. The game looks rushed exactly in the "release now patch later" that is spreading among publishers like a dissease being Infogrames and EA the worst of the pack. Anyway there is a ton of things to like about Civ3 but a ton to dislike as well. What I dislike is the very fast paced gameplay (not configurable) that somehow indicates to me that the developers were trying to make it more RTS like to please a more general audience. But my biggest complaint is the lack of wonder movies. As someone else on this forums already noted: Building a wonder is a major achievment for your civilization and should be honored with more than a static picture. I could continue for a while but I realize that soon someone will come up with a post like: This is your first post so your opinion aint worth s***.


        • #49
          Originally posted by Spatzimaus

          But "unstable" I disagree with completely. I'm in my third game now, with probably 24 hours played so far, and it hasn't crashed for me ONCE. Okay, a half hour after I quit the program to go get dinner Windows had an error, but I'm not sure that's Civ's fault.
          FYI instability is like cancer. Just because you don't have it (in 24 hours of play anyway) doesn't mean that there is not too much of it.

          Asher wrote,

          "Am I the only one who hasn't had Civ3 crash on them?

          Really, what's up with your systems (or your users) that could make something so unstable?

          Are you running Windows 95 on a K6 or something?"

          I've had one crash, boom right to the desktop without so much as a 'by your leave', and I've had the game hang when I was trying to quit. And I'm running 98 SE on a P3 600 w/128 meg of ram. The game is a real hog too, it starts to run slowly once there is even a little bit going on onscreen.

          I'm trying to get my 3 year old desktop to run the program without luck, it just crashes to the desktop from the opening game menu. Hopefully there will be some patches to get this stuff fixed. I'm sure that some of it is hardware / driver specific, but it would be nice to play it on my big computer without having to buy a new graphics card or whatever.
          He's got the Midas touch.
          But he touched it too much!
          Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


          • #50
            Originally posted by Sikander

            FYI instability is like cancer. Just because you don't have it (in 24 hours of play anyway) doesn't mean that there is not too much of it.
            That's true, though your analogy isn't very tasteful.


            • #51
              Originally posted by Asher
              Am I the only one who hasn't had Civ3 crash on them?
              Nope, Runs fine for me. No crashes. I'm using a P3 500, 126 RAM, Geforce2MX ect...

              Scroll jumps instead of scrolls, but it is not slow. The only other problem is that the turns can take a long time with a huge map and lots of civs.... but so did civ2 way back when I had a P 90.
              Rethink Refuse Reduce Reuse

              Do It Ourselves


              • #52

                FACT: All games that come out are unstable on some peoples machines. The problem is that it is simply impossible to check out a game on all configurations of processor, memory, video card etc. etc.

                However, to the people who have these instabilities, it is a huge deal, as it completely spoils their gaming experience. And because someone has a problem, it doesn't mean their system is crap, merely that the combination of their system and the game is not great. Look at the slow scrolling problem. It appears that the biggest cause of this was that people's video drivers were too new !

                Too all the people experiencing problems, all i can say is, don't judge the game on whether it crashes. Get in touch with tech support, and judge Firaxis/Infogrames on how helpful they are at fixing your problem.


                • #53
                  This is for all the people unhappy with civ3, including the ones who haven't even bought it, and also for everyone who is enjoying the game...

                  A few years ago some doctors conducted a psychological experiment. They found two boys, one was always happy and cheery , the other was always unhappy, moping around .

                  They put the happy boy in a room filled with nothing but horse manure and locked the door.

                  They put the unhappy boy in a room filled with toys and games and candy and birthday cake, you name it, if it was fun, it was in there, and locked the door.

                  They left them like that for four hours.

                  Then they went to check on the unhappy boy. He was sitting in the middle of the room crying his little eyes out, surrounded by all this fun. One doctor knelt down and ask him what was wrong. He replied "With all these toys and games and food around, I don't know what to do first."

                  Amazed, the doctors went to the other room and opened the door. The happy boy was jumping around the room, scooping up manure and chucking it at the walls, laughing all the way. The doctors stopped him and asked what on earth he was doing. "With all this horse manure there most be a pony around here somewhere!!" He laughed.

                  There seems to be two types of people on this board, those who keep finding the bad, and those who know that nothing is perfect and want to have fun anyway.

                  And while civ3 is far better than horse manure, I just found a pony!!! I'm gonna make me some horsemen!!!
                  May I be the person my dog thinks I am.

