This Zyklown is a troll, let's not give him our time and leave him to rot in his antiCiv3 for all time.
For the record, I'm a Mac user who won't get to play Civ3 until next year, but from what I can see of the complaints, it seems they are either not gameplay issues (no MP, which is I understand a grevious issue for some, but it's not about how well the game works, is it?) or not relevant (someone else stated the same incredulity I feel about that ocean colour remark). Also it seems alot of people may not have got the hang of the new systems yet. It *is* a different game from Civ2, after all.
Anyway, this thread is so sad, let's just leave it to die out and Zyklus to bemoan forever his 'lost' Civ3... really ought to invest that emotion somewhere else Zyklus.
And one other point - all the naysayers seem to think that Firaxis owes the Civ gamers something, seem to think it is Firaxis' duty to make a game that appeals to their rarified Civ sensibilities, which are as exclusivist and, well, weird, as any other fringe minority group's thinking. They made this game not for your benefit, but to make money, and in order to do so they made a game that would be as much fun to as many users as possible. If they'd sold only to the hardcore Civ2 vanguard, Civ3 *would* suck and no one but Zyklus and his civenlightened (good word, btw) friends would buy it.
And one last thing - that nasty swipe about the Maritimes was so lame and disgusting and I am sure unfounded, that it was just ridiculous. Go crawl up a moose's ass and shut up!
This obscure thread has been the recieving ground for the rant that all the lamers have induced.

For the record, I'm a Mac user who won't get to play Civ3 until next year, but from what I can see of the complaints, it seems they are either not gameplay issues (no MP, which is I understand a grevious issue for some, but it's not about how well the game works, is it?) or not relevant (someone else stated the same incredulity I feel about that ocean colour remark). Also it seems alot of people may not have got the hang of the new systems yet. It *is* a different game from Civ2, after all.
Anyway, this thread is so sad, let's just leave it to die out and Zyklus to bemoan forever his 'lost' Civ3... really ought to invest that emotion somewhere else Zyklus.
And one other point - all the naysayers seem to think that Firaxis owes the Civ gamers something, seem to think it is Firaxis' duty to make a game that appeals to their rarified Civ sensibilities, which are as exclusivist and, well, weird, as any other fringe minority group's thinking. They made this game not for your benefit, but to make money, and in order to do so they made a game that would be as much fun to as many users as possible. If they'd sold only to the hardcore Civ2 vanguard, Civ3 *would* suck and no one but Zyklus and his civenlightened (good word, btw) friends would buy it.
And one last thing - that nasty swipe about the Maritimes was so lame and disgusting and I am sure unfounded, that it was just ridiculous. Go crawl up a moose's ass and shut up!
This obscure thread has been the recieving ground for the rant that all the lamers have induced.
