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Summary on Andrew's great postings

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  • Summary on Andrew's great postings

    This is just a summary of all info posted by
    Andrew. Hopefully you don't take this as an offence,
    but I thought it might be easier to read all the facts
    Andrew posted in a summary, when the
    original thread is already 7 pages long.

    So all compliments should be directed to him.

    Units in Civ III (inc. values)

    Ground units

    Archer: 2/1/1
    Artillery: 0/0/1 12/2/3
    Cannon: 0/0/1 8/1/2
    Catapult: 0/0/1 4/1/1
    Cavalry: 6/3/3
    Chariot: 1/1/2
    Explorer: 1/1/2
    Horseman: 2/1/2
    Infantry: 8/12/2
    Knight: 4/3/2
    Longbowman: 4/1/1
    Marine: 10/8/1
    Mech Infantry: 12/20/3
    Modern Armor: 24/16/3
    Musketman: 2/4/1
    Paratrooper: 8/10/1
    Pikeman: 1/3/1
    Radar Artillery: 0/0/1 16/2/4
    Rifleman: 4/6/1
    Settler: 0/0/1
    Spearman: 1/2/1
    Swordsman: 3/2/1
    Tank: 16/10/2
    Warrior: 1/1/1
    Worker: 0/0/1

    Naval units

    AEGIS Cruiser: 12/12/6 4/2/4
    Battleship: 24/20/4 8/2/4
    Caravel: 1/2/3(4)
    Carrier: 1/8/4(4*)
    Destroyer: 16/12/6 6/1/3
    Frigate: 2/2/4 2/1/2
    Galleon: 1/2/4(6)
    Trireme: 1/1/3(2)
    Ironclad: 4/4/3 4/1/2
    Nuclear Submarine: 6/4/3(1**)
    Privateer: 1/1/3
    Submarine: 6/4/3
    Transport: 1/4/4(8)

    Air units

    Bomber: 0/2/0 8/0(6)/3
    Cruise Missile: 0/0/1 20/4/6
    Fighter: 4/4/0 2/0(4)/2
    Helicopter: 0/4/0(2) 0/0(4)/0
    ICBM: 0/0/1
    Jet Fighter: 8/8/0 2/0(6)/1
    Stealth Bomber: 0/2/0 8/0(8)/4
    Stealth Fighter: 0/4/0 2/0(6)/2
    Tactical Nuke: 0/0/1

    UU's (inc. values and civ)

    Bowman: 2/1/2 (Babylonians)
    Cossack: 6/4/3 (Russians)
    F-15: 10/8/0 2/0(6)/1 (Americans)
    Hoplite: 1/3/1 (Greeks)
    Immortals: 4/2/1 (Persians)
    Impi: 1/2/2 (Zulus)
    Jaguar Warrior: 1/1/2 (Aztecs)
    Legionary: 3/3/1 (Romans)
    Man-o-War: 3/2/4 2/1/2 (English)
    Mounted Warrior: 3/1/2 (Iroquois)
    Musketeer: 3/4/1 (French)
    Panzer: 16/10/3 (German)
    Rider: 4/4/3 (Chinese)
    Samurai: 4/4/2 (Japanese)
    Scout: 0/0/2 (Expansionist Civs)
    War Chariot: 2/1/2 (Egyptians)
    War Elephant: 4/3/2 (Indians)
    Last edited by Rasbelin; October 28, 2001, 15:14.
    "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver

  • #2
    Wonders in Civ III (inc. trigger and expiration)

    Standard wonders

    Generates one extra commerce in any square already
    producing commerce in that city. Expires with Flight.

    Copernicus' Observatory
    Doubles research in that city.

    Cure for cancer
    Makes one unhappy citizen content in all your cities.

    Great Library
    Gives you any advance two other civs have discovered.
    Expires with Education.

    Great Lighthouse
    Allows ships to go one level deeper into the ocean.
    Increases ship movement by 1. Expires with Magnetism.

    Great Wall
    Doubles effects of walls in cities that have them.
    Doubles attack strength vs. barbarians. Expires with Metallurgy.

    Hanging Gardens
    Makes 3 unhappy citizens content in its city and one
    unhappy citizen content in your other cities.
    Expires with Steam Power.

    Hoover Dam
    Acts as a Hydro Plant in all your cities on that continent.

    Bach's Cathedral
    Decreases the number of unhappy people by 2 in each
    city on the same continent.

    Leonardo's Workshop
    Allows you to upgrade units at 1/2 the cost.

    Population increases by 2 instead of 1 when the food box is filled.

    Magellan's Voyage
    Movement of all naval units increased by 1.

    Newton's University
    Doubles Scientific research in its city.

    The Oracle
    Doubles the effect of all temples. Expires with Theology.

    Acts as a granary in all your cities on the same continent.

    SETI Program
    Doubles research in its city.

    Shakespeare's Theater
    Makes 8 unhappy citizens in
    that city content.

    Sistine Chapel
    Doubles the effect of Cathedrals.

    Smith's Trading Company
    Free maintenance for Marketplaces, Banks, Harbors, and Airports.

    Sun Tzu's Art of War
    Provides benefits of a Barracks in all your cities on that continent.

    Theory of Evolution
    Gives you 2 free tech advances.

    United Nations
    Allows diplomatic victory.

    Universal Suffrage
    Reduces war weariness in all your cities.

    Small wonders

    Apollo Program
    Allows spaceship construction.

    Battlefield Medicine
    Allows units to heal in enemy territory.

    Forbidden Palace
    Provides benefits of a palace in the city where it's built
    Heroic Epic.

    Better chance of elite units changing into leaders
    (default is 1 in 16 chance when an elite unit wins,
    lowers it to 1 in 12).

    Intelligence Agency
    Allows espionage missions.

    Military Academy
    Allows construction of armies without leaders in that city.

    Armies can have 4 units instead of 3.

    75% chance of intercepting ICBMs.

    Some minor wonders are still missing, sorry.
    Last edited by Rasbelin; October 28, 2001, 15:21.
    "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver


    • #3
      Resources in Civ III

      Bonus resources (food/resources/trade)

      Cattle 2/1/0
      Fish 2/0/1
      Game 1/0/0
      Gold 0/0/4
      Whales 1/1/2
      Wheat 2/0/0


      Dyes: 0/0/1
      Furs: 0/1/1
      Gems 0/0/4
      Incense 0/0/1
      Ivory 0/0/2
      Silks 0/0/3
      Spices 0/0/2
      Wine 1/0/1

      Strategic (inc. tech prequisites)

      Aluminum 0/2/0 -Rocketry
      Coal 0/2/1 -Steam Power
      Horses 0/0/1 -The Wheel
      Iron 0/1/0 -Iron Working
      Oil 0/1/2 -Refining
      Rubber 0/0/2 -Replaceable Parts
      Saltpeter 0/0/1 -Gunpowder
      Uranium 0/2/3 -Fission
      Last edited by Rasbelin; October 28, 2001, 15:27.
      "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver


      • #4
        Resource prequisites for units/buildings in Civ III

        Ground units

        Cannon: Saltpeter, Iron
        Cavalry: Horses, Saltpeter
        Chariot: Horses
        Horseman: Horses
        Knight: Horses, Iron
        Marine: Rubber
        Mech. Inf: Oil, Rubber
        Modern Armor: Oil, Rubber, Aluminum
        Musketman: Saltpeter
        Paratrooper: Oil, rubber
        Pikeman: Iron
        Radar Artillery: Aluminum
        Swordsman: Iron
        Tank: Oil, Rubber

        Naval units

        AEGIS Cruiser: Aluminum, Uranium
        Battleship: Oil
        Carrier: Oil
        Destroyer: Oil
        Frigate: Iron, Saltpeter
        Ironclad: Iron, Coal
        Nuclear Sub: Uranium
        Privateer: Iron, Saltpeter
        Submarine: Oil
        Transport: Oil

        Air units

        Bomber: Oil
        Cruise Missile: Aluminum
        Fighter: Oil
        Helicopter: Oil, Rubber
        ICBM: Aluminum, Uranium
        Jet Fighter: Oil
        Stealth Bomber: Oil, Aluminum
        Stealth Fighter: Oil, Aluminum
        Tac Nuke: Aluminum, Uranium

        City improvements

        Coal Plant: Coal
        Coastal Fortress: Iron, Saltpeter
        Factory: Iron
        Mass Transit: Rubber
        Nuclear Plant: Uranium
        SAM Battery: Aluminum


        Apollo Program: Aluminum
        Manhattan Project: Uranium
        Last edited by Rasbelin; October 28, 2001, 15:49.
        "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver


        • #5
          The book is incomplete. There should be 12 small wonders (one of the m which is missing is Wall Street
          "Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State" - Benito Mussolini


          • #6
            I did miss the resource required for improvements. It seems as if I have to update the resource thread again.
            Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


            • #7
              Well, I've updated my resource thread to include the improvements as well. If you want to see what the resources do that is easier to read then this.

              Please notify me if you see anything wrong.
              Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


              • #8
                Originally posted by Gramphos
                I did miss the resource required for improvements.
                I have included them now.
                "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Rasbelin
                  I have included them now.
                  I did miss them when I read the original thread. That was the reason for that post. I wanted to thank you.
                  Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Gramphos

                    I did miss them when I read the original thread. That was the reason for that post. I wanted to thank you.
                    Good to know. I'll update these lists tomorrow,
                    if Andrew posts more details from the book.
                    "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver


                    • #11
                      Didn't Dan said that Leonardo's Workshop was a minor wonder?????


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Rege
                        Didn't Dan said that Leonardo's Workshop was a minor wonder?????
                        No, I remember him saying it's a great wonder. How could there be more than one Leonardo?


                        • #13
                          From what I've heard, the missing minor wonder is the Manhattan project. The strategy guide is out of date so it lists it as a major wonder.

                          I don't think Leonardo's workshop will be included at all, since you can upgrade units like you could in SMAC.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Taylost
                            From what I've heard, the missing minor wonder is the Manhattan project. The strategy guide is out of date so it lists it as a major wonder.

                            I don't think Leonardo's workshop will be included at all, since you can upgrade units like you could in SMAC.
                            Leonardo's is in AFAIK. It cuts upgrade cost in half. Upgrading works like in SMAC - you pay gold to upgrade.
                            Firaxis - please make an updated version of Colonization! That game was the best, even if it was a little un-PC.


                            • #15

                              Thanks for the compilation...
                              btw, I am honoured that u use my quote for your sig, but u spelted my nick wrongly(no "n"). "boliao" means "I've got nothing better to do"
                              " I give you all my chocholate, I give you my Kit Kat, but when you got a tic-tac, you never give me back! " - Why you so like tat

