I was eating lunch today in the cafetiria, and my friend passed by me, telling me that his friend from home had bought Civ 3 from his local Comp USA. I immedietly finnished my food, rushed to my dorm room, looked up the nearest Comp USA's #, and called. No Civ 3. I then Tried EB and Software ETC. Oct 30th. Grrr.... I know that it may be out somewhere.... I got the Diablo 2 expansion pack 2 days before it was suppost to come out, and my friend who lives like 20 miles away had to wait 3 more days, so different stores do different things.... if they recieve Civ 3 they may put it out even if they are suppost to hold it until Oct 30. As soon as I can get a hold of my friend, I will get him to call the friend that told him he has Civ 3, and find out which comp usa he got it from. If its within a reasonable range, I will go get it. Of course, there is also the possibility that hes just saying this because he knows it will drive me crazy, but he really doesnt do that kind of thing much, and knows what is ok to joke about and what isnt... namely Civ 3 being out. Two points to this: 1) Call every software store nearby you, see if they have Civ 3 now. 2) If it is true, and I get Civ 3, ill play and answer some questions about it. Hope this isnt a big fualse alarm. My friend will get hell if it is.
