I'd say that death camps are covered by slavery, which englobes much more and could be administrated from a pannel with some options.
Primarily, civilisations didn't allways put everyone in slavery. It was mainly minorities or conquered population. But "Red Khmers" and some monarchs may have used all the population as a working force.
Secondly, there are also many ways of slaving. Some were separated from their family and thrown into mines and terrible labors with chains until their deaths (so a generation later, slaves are all dead). Others were used as servants or had varied positions (mines, servants, farmers...). Some civilisations even gave some slaves quite important positions I think (with Romans?). But there are consequences to all this. Cambodge has major desorganisation and corruption out of it (drugs, prostitution...), others got revolts, certain got cultural changings or great exterior and interior opposition, etc.
Slavery got important implications throughout History, but the question is: did it have enough implication to consider it in Civ? Anyone having strong bases in Hun's, Roman, Greek, American and "Red Khmers" history could be useful here I think. Slaves also got a considerable role in European colonisation.
PS: Is UberKruX sick with his death camps idea? Well Hitler and Pol Pot were sick and are in history too
Germany got consequences out of it. As Cambodge, USA (Secession war!) or Rome. No need to call a doctor to know if Uber's sick or not to analyse. Just to look History.
Primarily, civilisations didn't allways put everyone in slavery. It was mainly minorities or conquered population. But "Red Khmers" and some monarchs may have used all the population as a working force.
Secondly, there are also many ways of slaving. Some were separated from their family and thrown into mines and terrible labors with chains until their deaths (so a generation later, slaves are all dead). Others were used as servants or had varied positions (mines, servants, farmers...). Some civilisations even gave some slaves quite important positions I think (with Romans?). But there are consequences to all this. Cambodge has major desorganisation and corruption out of it (drugs, prostitution...), others got revolts, certain got cultural changings or great exterior and interior opposition, etc.
Slavery got important implications throughout History, but the question is: did it have enough implication to consider it in Civ? Anyone having strong bases in Hun's, Roman, Greek, American and "Red Khmers" history could be useful here I think. Slaves also got a considerable role in European colonisation.

PS: Is UberKruX sick with his death camps idea? Well Hitler and Pol Pot were sick and are in history too

Germany got consequences out of it. As Cambodge, USA (Secession war!) or Rome. No need to call a doctor to know if Uber's sick or not to analyse. Just to look History.