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What are your thoughts on Civ Trivia?

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  • #16
    Yin- this would be a good way to handle a 'serious' online Trivia game.

    I do doubt anyone will be getting any prizes for the current Civ Trivia though, since it is so easy to cheat.


    • #17
      I think the questions are way too easy, esp. considering the fact that everyone has enough time to look the answers up on search engines and stuff.

      Today's question was simply hilarious, I actually laughed out loud when I saw the answers
      Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


      • #18
        Having gone on two vacations totalling 17 days in the past 6 weeks, it made it more of an entertaining thing to do as oppose to a contest. Plus, having it display the correct answer while you were thinking kinda took the challenge out of it. I'm all in favor of yin's idea of making it a weekly or renewable contest.


        • #19
          i voted useless, besides the fact that you could use two seperate logins you can use several free information services on the net to find the answers, which i did on the questions i didnt know i would assume that a majority of the leader board did not know the answers to a majority of the questions i believe it was more a contest of craftiness rather than knowledge.


          • #20
            I am in the Hall of Fame

            I play it everday without fail...I am the last guy with 500+ points ..."Runner" thats me !
            Trying very hard to catch up with the second last guy.... I only knew about this site and early october...Damn!

            BTW I got today's Trivia about the road thing correct...luckily (I was a civil engineering grad)....phew! so hard to catch up....
            " I give you all my chocholate, I give you my Kit Kat, but when you got a tic-tac, you never give me back! " - Why you so like tat


            • #21
              I'm on the board, think it's a fun feature, but also useless feature of the website, I'd rather have a screen of the day instead, or a flash video game where the Civ leaders go at it "Rock'em Sock'em" Bot style. Don't know if many people will get that reference but it's the old plastic game where two people boxed plastic toys until one toy's head popped off.

              I readily admit using search sites to answer questions. Some of them like "diplomatic messages in clay balls" would be damn near impossible to answer correctly without it. Besides that, in searching for answers I've learned a good amount of other useless historical info. Any game that forces you to learn new things is a good game


              • #22
                Got in late, don't get to it every day. Still, I think it's fun and enjoy playing. Score is in the low 600's, but who cares?
                No matter where you go, there you are. - Buckaroo Banzai
                "I played it [Civilization] for three months and then realised I hadn't done any work. In the end, I had to delete all the saved files and smash the CD." Iain Banks, author


                • #23
                  I like it.

