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Histograph worries

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  • #16
    $ai < $human;

    "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
    - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


    • #17
      Also, there are two fundamental approaches to AI (see Russell&Norwig) either program to make logical decisions or you program to make it think as a human would....the second type is more cognitive. Chess is more of a brute force hack....until we get neural nets involved in the process and through out the databases, chess AI does not learn.... it does lots of math and generates lots of data. Chess AI's do not think even close as to the way they think. They just evaluate every single option and every result, with a few optimizations. There isn't anything advanced or noble about a Chess AI, but it is hard to make a good one run quickly and to make one think like we do.

      Civ has it easier in some ways but harder in others. The Civ has priorities other than "get more points", it has strategic goals. Rather complex. I suppose much could be learned from looking at what FreeCiv is doing....maybe I'll read up on it.


      • #18
        Comparing chess to civ is bad. What makes chess so difficult is the limited number of movement options. Also, both players start with the same amount of pieces and the only way to go is towards your opponent.

        They are both strategy games, but they are so different you can't make an effective comparison.
        To us, it is the BEAST.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Lawrence of Arabia

          Which sucks because your strength is only relative to the other players in the game. If i want to compare myself from game to game, I may be stronger in one of them, but couldn't tell because all oft he other civs are 3x stronger in my game than in the last one.
          Many games use this method, but have an option to use the normal graph as well. I wonder if this is the case with Civ3.
          To be one with the Universe is to be very lonely - John Doe - Datalinks


          • #20
            This new histograph scoring will definitely be different & interesting. After the game is out someone should put a poll up whether it is better or worse. From what I understand it seems that the Civ that wins could even be a Civ that died decades ago... that you killed.
            Last edited by Pyrodrew; October 25, 2001, 09:42.

