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new screenshots from gamespy

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  • #16
    Why are the screenshots on the gamespy page links to this thread?



    • #17
      The granary construction complete screen shot looks good and efficient.

      I am still wondering how many types of forest there are. Every time we see forests we see different types. Would be nice if this is influenced by climate zone etc.


      • #18
        I think the shots are set up to send you back to the page you were previously on, so if you access them from here that is where they take you.


        • #19
          That Granary Complete screen is fantastic, it may even be easier to use than queues.

          BTW I think the brown colour of the catapult health bar is just because it is transparant. Not having any defence value and being captureable(sic) might mean catapults etc have no healt as such?

          "War: A by-product of the arts of peace." Bierce


          • #20
            The screenshots look great. I'm curious as to how the movement of units in river squares is done. Since rivers now flow on the borders of squares, can a unit on a square that touches a river now use the 1/3 movement rate when moving to any other square that touches a river?... Even when the two squares don't border the same river? I'll find out soon enough, I guess.
            Last edited by kaminwx; October 23, 2001, 21:55.


            • #21
              What if one catapult bombards the other? You would think there would be health for that occasion.


              • #22
                Originally posted by ixnay37
                What if one catapult bombards the other? You would think there would be health for that occasion.
                It would most likely hurt the unit stacked with it. And if no unit is stacked with it maybe the catapult can't be a target for bombardment?


                • #23
                  Originally posted by SteveJH

                  It would most likely hurt the unit stacked with it. And if no unit is stacked with it maybe the catapult can't be a target for bombardment?

                  Tell me if I'm ignorant. I thought units could NOT be bombarded. Only things like city walls or fortifications. It might be fun to bombard city improvements too. Oh, say a temple?


                  • #24

                    units are valid targets for bombards, both from artillary units and air units accords to the gamespot interview with sid and jeff

                    here's the chapter from the SMAC manual...artillary won't work the exact same, but i bet it will be close

                    Artillary Combat

                    Unlike most combat, artillary combat does not continue until a unit is destroyed. Attack and defense strengths of the units are compared only once, and (if the defender loses the single round of combat) a point of of damage is assessed against the defender. This reflects the nature of artillary combat, which is basically firing blind to harass and weaken the enemy. Note that land units can never be completely destroyed by artillary fire, and units in a base or bunker can never be damaged more than 50%, although repeated barrages will keep them from repairing damage. Targeting a square with no units for an artillery barrage actually attacks any terrain enhancements in the square.

                    Artillery Duel

                    An exception to this rule occurs when one artillery unit attacks another. In this case an artillery duel occurs, as each unit focuses its fire on the other. Artillery duels are to the death, just like most other combats, but they utilize attack strength only.

