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new screenshots from gamespy

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  • new screenshots from gamespy

    these appear to be new

    Granary Construction Complete
    Catapult in action
    World Climate options
    Another game shot
    Diplomacy screen

    the most interesting shot to me was the climate selection screen

  • #2
    As usual- good catch, and thanx

    That first one looks to be about full screen size.


    • #3
      The more I see, the more I want the game...these look nice.

      Does the city in the forest look a bit strange to anyone?


      • #4
        Good find! We've seen the climate screen before, but the others are new. And this is a better version of the climate screen.


        • #5
          I thought the Granary Complete Screen was most impressive .
          “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
          - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


          • #6
            Originally posted by ixnay37

            Does the city in the forest look a bit strange to anyone?
            Which screenshot are you talking of?
            Last edited by Rasbelin; October 23, 2001, 01:48.
            "Kids, don't listen to uncle Solver unless you want your parents to spank you." - Solver


            • #7
              The granary construction complete -
              Very good! It is so nice that you don't have to zoom to the city to check the production; you can make the necessary changes right away.
              Catapult in action -
              Nothing very special (except for the bended "arm" of the ctplt)
              World climate options -
              Again a very good testimony of nice graphics of this game. Nice, nice, nice
              Another game shot -
              Very very good! The forest looks very nice (maybe it is a rain forest), the rivers look nice (but they go very straight lines.. ) and the towns seem to be partially behind the trees - and I mean it is cute
              Diplomacy screen -
              Humour, again. If a turn is one year long, of course it is a birthday everyday

              Nice work, korn469
              I'm not a complete idiot: some parts are still missing.


              • #8

                to me it looked like the catapult had just launched a projectile...check the screen again and look for the brown ball


                • #9

                  That's just what I ment with the bended "arm" (or whatever the launching pole called)

                  Edit: HEY! that's not a flying ball. The same kind of ball is by every unit (it's a part of the unit's health meter, or "thermometer" as someone called...)
                  I'm not a complete idiot: some parts are still missing.


                  • #10

                    i looked at the screenshot after i posted, and realized that it was the health bar...the brown color threw me off, btw does the brown color of the health bar mean that the catapult is fortified? or can units without an attack and defense even fortify?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by ixnay37
                      The more I see, the more I want the game...these look nice.

                      Does the city in the forest look a bit strange to anyone?
                      It looks normal to me, just the active-unit circle on there makes it look a little odd. What I like, is one of those players (red or green) must be a computer player, and they both have relatively hard-to-grow cities in the middle of the forest, my guess would be to stake a claim to the borders.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by korn469
                        ...the brown color threw me off, btw does the brown color of the health bar mean that the catapult is fortified? or can units without an attack and defense even fortify?
                        It may be so. Or the brown colour in that screenshot might mean that the unit has already moved, or the opposite. Will see...
                        I'm not a complete idiot: some parts are still missing.


                        • #13
                          "Granary Construction Complete"
                          Like it, nothing special, but it's ok

                          "Catapult in action"
                          Just a screen, nothing special

                          "World Climate options"
                          This one is great, it looks great...can't wait to see that screen on my computer (with the Civ3 CDrom in the drive )

                          "Another game shot"
                          Just a screen, nothing special

                          "Diplomacy screen"
                          Cool, happy birthday Cleo
                          This space is empty... or is it?


                          • #14
                            I am most impressed with the Granary constuction complete screen. Granted, this feature is a rather little thing. But it just proves to me the thought and excellent design put into the game by Firaxis. It really seems to me that they have done it right.


                            • #15
                              has anyone preordered yet? I preordered from from eb games, so I could also get the game risk for free (actually it is not so free considering at other sites/stores, CIV3 goes for 5 dollars less than at ebgames). We all know its gone "gold", and I guess it ships on the 30th to store shelves...I'm just wondering, when the **** will I have CIV3 in my hands!!!


