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Two questions

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  • Two questions

    I have 2 questions. First, you know how when the AI says something in diplomacy how it says AICOUNTER, is the game going to have that? And when you trade a technology for an amount a turn, how many turns do you have to pay?

  • #2
    the AICOUNTER/AITHANKS etc are only in a debug version of the game, not in the final

    Not sure about your other question, but I guess you can choose it... (although I've seen the number "20" mentioned a few times)
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    • #3
      Originally posted by Assur
      the AICOUNTER/AITHANKS etc are only in a debug version of the game, not in the final
      Correct, though the debug version might be fun to play with once or twice.

      Not sure about your other question, but I guess you can choose it... (although I've seen the number "20" mentioned a few times)
      This is a good question. I see possibilities both ways. Either there is a set number or you can specify at the time of agreement. I would guess that you can specify your own number.


      • #4
        That is a big diffrence because if you pay for a tech in 3000 BC thats alot of turns.


        • #5
          I'm pretty sure they said that you set how long things last for. Though twenty turns has been seen a lot. Sounds like a nice, round number...
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