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how much do the pop equal?

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  • how much do the pop equal?

    This has been bugging me for a while. When a city has 1, how many actual citizen do you think it to be? I think it's not exactly a linear growth, because it seems to rquire more nutrients to go from 9 to 10 than 1 to 2, but anyone have some exact numbers?

  • #2
    I think the pop system is once again similar to how it was in CivII. In SMAC, every citizen equaled exactly 10,000 population. But in the hostile environment of Alpha Centauri, this made sense because base growth was supposed to difficult in that rough terrain.

    In CivIII, I suspect that each citizen's population value will increase throughout the ages, which I believe was also done in CivII.

    As far as exactly how the computer resolves this, I couldn't tell ya'.


    • #3
      In civ 2, it was (10,000)(n)(n+1)/2, where n is the number of "heads"

      In civ 3, it will be (10,000)[(n)(n+1)/2+f/10], where n is the number of "heads" and f is the amount of food stored in the food storage box.

      Or at least that is what it appears to be based on the screenshots I have seen. Also, in civ 2, the population model did not change through the ages.

      Of course, the population figures don't really matter as they don't have any impact on gameplay. But they are one of though cool useless statistics that enhance the civ feeling.


      • #4
        Read Akron's post. I'd like to point out that the formula he gave is that for "triangular numbers". In the Civ/Smac system, the 1st pop point is worth 10 000 people, the 2nd worth 20 000, the 3rd worth 30 000, etc. Civ3 appears to have a "correction factor", so that pop doesn't "jump" by quite so much when the number of pop. points increases. I haven't looked hard enough at the screenshots to decide whether or not it's exactly what Akron's proposed, but it does seem to be similar to this.
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