Does anybody know if wonders are still built in cities like they have always been, or if they sort of exist as a delocalized waveform throughout your civilization? The reason I ask is that it seems that many of the wonders we've seen have been concepts (like battlefield medicine) rather than construction projects like they used to be. The reason I ask is that we've heard that all civilizations can get each minor wonder. If these are built in cities, how do they work if the home city is captured by another civilization? Can you rebuild that wonder, or is it lost for good? If you recapture that city, do you get it back? What if you have a minor wonder and capture the host city of that wonder for another civ? Do you get two, or is it gone for good, even if the city's original owner recaptures it?
Any Firaxians out there who can answer this?
With great anticipation,
Any Firaxians out there who can answer this?
With great anticipation,