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Custom Civilizations? Expansion?

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  • Custom Civilizations? Expansion?

    COrrect me if I'm wrong, but didn't gamespot say that it was possible to create custom civilizations?

    If this is so, then why are so many people wanting more civilizations in an expansion pack?

    It doesn't make sence...

    Here's what I would like in an expansion pack:
    #1 Multiplayer (Even though I usually only play SP)
    #2 Other worlds (Alpha Centauri, fantasy worlds, science fiction worlds?)
    #3 More technologies with more strategic elements added in
    #4 A science fiction extention... say... 2000 years into the future
    #5 Wonder movies. I'm going to miss them.
    Whatever goes up, better doggon well stay up...

  • #2
    That's what I say about more civs - DIY!
    And watch out with that SciFi stuff. Alot of people around here have no imagination and get indignant at the thought of anything SciFi in their game. How dare we add something or request SciFi sprites even!
    - "A picture may be worth a thousand words, but it still ain't a part number." - Ron Reynolds
    - I went to Zanarkand, and all I got was this lousy aeon!
    - "... over 10 members raised complaints about you... and jerk was one of the nicer things they called you" - Ming


    • #3
      No my problem with Sci-Fi is most of the time I look at it and think - this is all ****, my imagination is much better than this. I watch more science fiction than is arguably good for me so am pissed when people *cough*calltopower*cough* produce games based on the future when they've just stuck in things they think would be cool, ignoring the logical progression of ideas.

      We want civs in the expansion pack because otherwise we'd have to make our own unit sprites and leader animations. Unless Firaxis want to release them on site the only way to get really good ones is to wait for Firaxis to do them or wait until someone round here does a good one, most likely for a civ I quite frankly couldn't care less about like the phonecians.

      Also there may be special AI need writing for the special units.
      A witty quote proves nothing. - Voltaire

