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Is the UN council victory okay?...

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  • Is the UN council victory okay?...

    Alot of people aren't that much sure that the UN council victory is at its best. Considered with the limited info we
    have by now and no testing ourselves yet, what do you think of it?
    It's okay like it is
    Guess it needs a little adjusting of the actual limits... too restrictive
    It should be based on many factors influencing diplomatical popularity
    It should be based mainly on economy of members' civilisations
    No idea. Too early yet and I miss some information
    Whattever! I don't bother of all that stuff and your poll is &*&&%(
    Go GalCiv, go! Go Society, go!

  • #2
    I m hoping that, besides being able to shut down 'Victory by UN' completely, that the victory conditions will be modifiable through the editor as well so we can adjust how much land/population we need to be a part of the council.


    I just had a brain fart!

    In SMAC, everyone could vote to elect what was known as the Planetary Governor, and ultimately, the Supreme Leader (which gave that player a diplomatic victory).

    I was just thinking- what if when Firaxis said you need 25% of the total land, or 25% of the total population to be on the UN council, what they meant was that you needed those numbers to be a candidate for World Leader, but everyone else still gets to vote?!

    In SMAC, only the two players with the highest population counts were the candidates for Planetary Governor, but everyone else did get to vote.

    Now THAT makes sense!
    Last edited by Sarxis; October 19, 2001, 03:26.


    • #3
      Unless Anunikobas version is what happens, i dont think we know enough about the UN (in Civ 3) to guess if its 'at its best' We dont even know if those values are still set at 25% and whatever...
      I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


      • #4
        Originally posted by Anunikoba

        I was just thinking- what if when Firaxis said you need 25% of the total land, or 25% of the total population to be on the UN council, what they meant was that you needed those numbers to be a candidate for World Leader, but everyone else still gets to vote?!
        Firaxis said exactly what you are thinking, at least the first part about candidates. The part about the vote we have to assume. Anyway, if you are right, does the population size has anything to do with how many votes you have? I think we'll have to wait to get an answer.
        Visit Gamacather (GC)!


        • #5
          In SMAC, population size did matter for the Planetary Governor vote, but not for the Supreme Leader vote. The more citizens you had, the more 'votes' you had counted towards PG elections, but for the SL votes each civ just got one.

