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  • Food

    Does anyone know if:
    1) food will be open for trade
    2) you can send a lot more food (instead of +3 via caravans) to a city.

    Because I always ended up with a huge midwest population and a tiny New York. I would like to make a "bread basket" and have some cities (i.e. midwest or ukraine) send all of their extra food to some of my more important coastal cities.

  • #2
    the way i understood what i read is anything and everything wiil be available for trade. and with uniqe options too such as x food per turn.


    • #3
      It would be great to be able to send food to a high production/low food city as in Civ2. Better yet being able to pool food within an empire so as to allow for even growth. But I suspect it'd give us humans too great an advantage over the poor dumb AI.

      "War: A by-product of the arts of peace." Bierce


      • #4
        I certainly hope so. The exchange of food is a big part of today's economy.

        I wonder if you will be able to give food to a people even when the opposing government doesn't want you to. Like they say they will burn the food but you say you'll drop it from the skies in large crates...
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        "We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones." - François de La Rochefoucauld


        • #5
          settlers can also be used to move population from one city to another


          • #6
            Yes but when they get to the new city, they need food, So that city must be able to feed them
            I have walked since the dawn of time and were ever I walk, death is sure to follow. As surely as night follows day.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Gryphon:
              settlers can also be used to move population from one city to another
              Don't forget the workers, they are cheaper


              • #8
                Don't forget the workers, they are cheaper
                yes but settlers are worth 2 population.
                Yes but when they get to the new city, they need food, So that city must be able to feed them
                i never found it difficult to keep my populatio fed in civ 2 it just took a while to grow a city. and i think if your city was short food one of the two settlers would be able to produce enough food in one square for both of the population increases.

