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Something is missing from Civ3 (this is not another pro-MP thread)

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  • Something is missing from Civ3 (this is not another pro-MP thread)

    After reviewing the newest selection of screenshots and the preview video from pre-purchasing the game, I realized that Civ3 is missing alot of the art that made Civ2's environment so enjoyable.

    In the video, it is stated that "we took out all art that was in the game for art's sake" or something like that. Also, in one of the screen shots, Delhi has been captured, but all that pops up is a little text screen in the corner saying something like "We are victorious again, shall we assign a governor or raze the city." I really miss the screens and pictures that would pop up that portrayed an army marching or the "built a city" picture. Even though this and other art is useless, it makes the game "pretty" and actually makes the game more enjoyable. In Civ2 it helped re-enforce the idea that I was leading a group of people, not merely building cities and improvements to make a set of numbers rize to acceptable levels. I am not sure if City View is in the game or not, but that also helped to make the game more interesting. Thats just what I think. Peace mo fo's.

    In addition to this, did anyone else find that Activision's use of the creators of the game as civilization's leaders in CTP, incredibly lame? That pushed me over the edge, and I never played that game again.
    Last edited by BigBear; October 17, 2001, 21:23.

  • #2
    Re: Something is missing from Civ3 (this is not another pro-MP thread)

    Originally posted by BigBear
    Oh yeah, anyone else think that CTP's method of using game maker's as the nation's leaders totally lame and just completely made it impossible to take talking to the computer seriously?
    Please proofread before posting to make sure others will understand you. I'm a native speaker and I don't know what you mean. Imagine how the non-native speakers on this forum must feel.
    Formerly known as Masuro.
    The sun never sets on a PBEM game.


    • #3
      Re: Re: Something is missing from Civ3 (this is not another pro-MP thread)

      Originally posted by Anatolia

      Please proofread before posting to make sure others will understand you. I'm a native speaker and I don't know what you mean. Imagine how the non-native speakers on this forum must feel.
      umm what part didnt you understand? it seemed pretty straight forward to me?


      • #4
        I for one am glad superficial art has been removed. The game will still have a lot of 'niceties', but all the excess 'fat' will have been trimmed.

        Lean, mean, CIVing machine!!


        • #5
          I've got to say I agree with the bear. They could have added in wondermoves and capturing city animations and then just given us an option to turn them off........

          I'm sorry Firaxis..... I didn't mean it like that. I'm just tired. I've had a hard day.......

          I still love you Firaxis.
          A witty quote proves nothing. - Voltaire


          • #6
            Originally posted by Faboba
            I'm sorry Firaxis..... I didn't mean it like that. I'm just tired. I've had a hard day.......

            I still love you Firaxis.
            Obviously a stock holder
            Frankly, I can do without the wonder movies. They just get turned off (or the CD never goes into the drive anymore. . .)
            - "A picture may be worth a thousand words, but it still ain't a part number." - Ron Reynolds
            - I went to Zanarkand, and all I got was this lousy aeon!
            - "... over 10 members raised complaints about you... and jerk was one of the nicer things they called you" - Ming


            • #7
              I'm glad that those unnecessary "we captured a city" animations and such stuff have been removed.


              • #8
                Nah... I watched the wondermovies and the animated heralds (oh yeah, don't forget those) only a few times before indeed turning them of.

                However I do need some nice stuff to feed my enormous ego when having captured a city or build a new one. (Way to go tuckson, {taptap on shoulder}, well done pal )
                History should be known for learning from the past...
                Nah... it only shows stupidity of mankind.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Wexu
                  I'm glad that those unnecessary "we captured a city" animations and such stuff have been removed.
                  um i thought it would be a nice option. plus it sounds that there is going to be much less conquests than before...and less capturing one will be a real event....


                  • #10
                    Or at least the 'marching feet' sound effect.
                    A witty quote proves nothing. - Voltaire


                    • #11
                      I'm bummed about no wonder movies. It seems to me that they went in the direction of less "options" for the player this time around. And to me that's not the best decision.
                      2 Cor 3:18


                      • #12
                        Until I play the game its going to be hard to tell, but certainly its always nice to occasionally get rewarded for your success. I know I hate games that you play for hours that finally go "You have won. Press X to return to main menu". What a let down. I'm sure there was an article a while back from Sid Meier, Brian Reynolds or another well known designer talking about how valuable it is to reward the player little and often. Since the city view screen is in, perhaps just the sign of some troops marching in through the gates and a bit of smoke would have done the job nicely without wasting weeks more of the artists time.

                        Ok if we're getting the palace screen every 20 minutes and city capture may quite often trigger a new palace section then there is no need for a second 'reward'. A trophy shield outside your palace ofr every city captured would be a cooler reward than seeing marching troops any day.
                        To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.


                        • #13
                          If they would've putted those graphics in the game:

                          1. the game would be released 3 months later
                          2. one of the new concepts wouldn't have been in the game

                          since majority of the players will turn off these movies etc. anyway after playing a few times, I'm quiet happy they decided to not waste their time on it.

                          It must have been 4 years ago that I watched the soldiers marching into a city !

                          Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                          Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                          • #14
                            C'mon Cyber. It doesn't take even one artist 3 months to make a version of the troop march. Lets not confuse it with recreating all the wonder movies.
                            To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.


                            • #15
                              I really don't care. Civ3 is going to look better than civ2 anyway.

