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Fixed resources on Earth map?

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  • Fixed resources on Earth map?

    I wonder whether the (strategic) resources on the world map will be fixed according to historical accuracy. This would mean:

    - No horses in both Americas
    - Plenty of oil in the Arab peninsula
    - Gems in Africa
    - Gold in Mesoamerica
    - No resources at all in Japan
    - and so on...

    This would have, of course, large impact on gameplay, and would certainly cause unfair, but also challenging situations. If resources can be randomized (and I am sure they can) this would be an interesting addition, especially for those of us who like everything historical (like me), without annoying the others who prefer equal distribution.
    "The philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
    Karl Marx

  • #2

    The Iroquois special units needs horses.
    And I fear the Japanese samurai needs iron.
    The ice was here, the ice was there, the ice was all around: it cracked and growled and roared and howled like noises in a swound!


    • #3
      Originally quoted by:
      I wonder whether the (strategic) resources on the world map will be fixed according to historical accuracy. This would mean:

      - Plenty of oil in the Arab peninsula
      I agree but don't forget that there is also oil in Texas and in Russia


      • #4
        No horses in America???? Explain.
        A witty quote proves nothing. - Voltaire


        • #5
          well the horses in america were brought over by the europeans. There were no horses prior to that... or so I think.
          Without music life would be a mistake - Nietzsche
          So you think you can tell heaven from hell?
          rocking on everest


          • #6
            Originally posted by Faboda:
            No horses in America???? Explain.
            Horses where imported into the Americas. Before the time of Cortez, the Native Americans never saw a horse before, and they assumed that they must be gods.

            The wild mustangs of North American today are actually horses that got loose sometime after Cortez's initial contact and they became wild.
            Of the Holy Roman Empire, this was once said:
            "It is neither holy or roman, nor is it an empire."


            • #7
              AFAIK there was a kind of prehistorical horse in America, but it died out before it could be domesticated.

              And for the Iroquious having no UU: well, they either expand or play without it. that's challenge...
              "The philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways. The point, however, is to change it."
              Karl Marx


              • #8
                Firaxis has said there will be horses in America. It was listed as an example of game balance trumping realism.


                • #9
                  I'm not an expert...

         american History, but wasen't there some sort of Ponies in North America prior to colonization?


                  • #10
                    Re: I'm not an expert...

                    Originally posted by LordGrey ofLeva
           american History, but wasen't there some sort of Ponies in North America prior to colonization?
                    No. The speed with which the Native Peoples adopted and adapted to the horses which arrived with the Spanish is legendary. Scared the hell out of the Americans when they reached the plains.

                    "War: A by-product of the arts of peace." Bierce


                    • #11
                      *grumble* I hope the only make one square with horses. I think it was a bad idea to make the iriquois UU a horse unit. Oh well, I am sure it will be editable.
                      I don't do drugs anymore 'cause i find i can get the same effect by standing up really fast.

                      I live in my own little world, but its ok; they know me here.


                      • #12
                        Ya... Firaxis should have made thier UU a warrior!
                        Of the Holy Roman Empire, this was once said:
                        "It is neither holy or roman, nor is it an empire."


                        • #13
                          I hope there will be an option to either randomize the resources or to play with fixed positions.
                          Creator of the Civ3MultiTool


                          • #14
                            I would prefer random resources. Adds to the variation of the game.

                            Its bad enough knowing where the other civs start, let alone knowing where the best resource locations are.
                            One day Canada will rule the world, and then we'll all be sorry.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Big Crunch
                              I would prefer random resources. Adds to the variation of the game.

                              Its bad enough knowing where the other civs start, let alone knowing where the best resource locations are.
                              I'd like to be able to randomize everything but the map if I wanted to, but I also would like to be able to play without any randomness if I wanted that.
                              Creator of the Civ3MultiTool

