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Classical before Medieval?

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  • #31
    The Ancient Era officially ended in 476AD with the fall of the Western Roman Empire

    The Medieval Era officially ended in 1453AD with the fall of Constantinople to the Turks (the first sign of the Renaissance) and the end of the Hundred Years' War


    • #32
      To say that the Middle Ages (Dark Ages) were a technological boom time is not quite accurate. There were inventions, sure, but Europe was constantly at war from the fall of Rome up until the 19th century and beyond. The science of the period was predominantly focused on military. Most non-military technologies arrived either from other parts of the world (Asia), or after 1500, such as the printing press. In fact, many Ancient technologies were lost during the period. One of the great secret weapons of Rome was concrete. It disappeared after the fall and wasn't rediscovered until the industrial age. City planning was also a common practise, but disappeared until the 20th century.

      As far as brutality is concerned, Rome was bad. Slaves were sacrificed for the entertainment of the people, but twisted as it sounds, they were celebrity while they lived. Some people actually wanted to become gladiators. It may have been instant death for many, but it was instant fame for some.
      The brutality of the Dark Ages is notorious. While the Romans took great pride in torturing their enemies, the Church ans Warlords of later made them pale in comparison. Torture techniques were perfected and became a way of life. A trial for a thief was simple. Put a stone ainto a pot of boiling oil and let him get it with his bare hands. If they got burned, they were clearly guilty and were tortured and killed.

      Just a thought.
      To be one with the Universe is to be very lonely - John Doe - Datalinks


      • #33
        Actually I think that what might cause confusion about the term classical is the fact that FIRAXIS has not used (AFAIK) the term the antiques. Usaully, well at least in the netherlands and germany, the greece and roman world is referred to as the anitque world.

        I've not seen it mentioned here in the other posts. One of the greatest inventions of the middle ages is the reinvention of the wheel, namely the cogwheel. I've tried to find some documentationfacts on its history but I've never been able to find any precise facts about this. Somehow you can see the start of a widespread use of it around 1000, in Europa actually (never seen f.i. chinese applications of it before that time). It lay the foundation for lots of inventions (clockwork, mills) and the basis of the industrial revolution.


        • #34
          The term antique is generally not used in English. Antiquity is sometimes used, but AFAIK, Classical is the more common term.

          You may be right about the clogwheel. I guess someone will find out for us.
          To be one with the Universe is to be very lonely - John Doe - Datalinks


          • #35
            I'm sorry if i made you think i thought the middle ages was a technological boom, i was just trying to get rid of the misconnceptions of people that they were dark oppressive times were everyone was always fighting and thats all they did. I wasn't saying that it was exactly a scientific golden age (unless you lived in china).
            Let us unite together as one nation, a world nation" - Gundam Wing

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