Hi everyone ! I've been busy with a 1000 things (including
an unfinished attempt to make civ a pda-experience

untill I received an email-thread AGAIN about the technical &
moral side of important matters here at Apolyton

I saw no reason to offer my wisdom and intelligence at your

You can read a question answered at the 09/28/2001 edition
of CIV3's homepage : http://www.civ3.com/asktheteam.cfm
Map Sizes
Dear Civ 3 team,
To start off everything on the web page just makes me want to play the game more... prepping up with older versions awaiting the arrival of civ 3... My question is how large of maps will you have for game play, meaning the size of the entire world. Most of the other games seem to me to be too small, when the world as we know it the USA has some hundreds of cities and around 30 large cities, yet 30 cities on most Civ Worlds takes up a huge portion of the map... I was hoping that you'd make even larger sized maps than in the past.
The default world sizes in Civilization III are as follows:
Tiny World: 60x60 4 Civs
Small World: 80x80 6 Civs
Standard World: 100x100 8 Civs
Large World: 140x140 12 Civs
Huge World: 180x180 16 Civs
You can use the included editor to alter these world sizes, with the ability to create maps up to 256 x 256 in size.
And there are two places You can read about multiplayer , one at
http://www.civ3.com/asktheteam.cfm - the 09/28/2001 edition
and the other at FAQ at http://www.civ3.com :
Plays Nice With Others
Let me first say that my wife and I are really looking forward to Civ 3. I introduced my wife to Civ 2 and CTP2 and she absolutely loves turn-based strategy style of game play. Not a week goes by without her asking me when Civ 3 is going to be released!

The only difficulty we've discovered with turn-based games like Civ & CTP is that multiplayer games can be slow and cumbersome, especially at later stages in the game. I've always envisioned the next great Civ-style game to introduce simultaneous turns in multiplayer. I'm sure this would introduce quite a few technical challenges though. So my question would have to be how is Civ 3 going to address this issue?
Best regards,
Joel Dudgeon
Thanks for your email! We're working on some cool multiplayer concepts that will take a fresh approach to the challenge of making multiplayer for a turn-based game fun. We're not yet ready to give details, but stay tuned. When we have more to report, the site will be updated and our fans, as always, will be the first to know!
Will there be multiplayer support for Civ III?
Civ III will not be shipping with multiplayer included. The single-player experience has always been our main focus throughout the development of Civilization III. However, we're working on some cool multiplayer concepts that will take a fresh approach to the challenge of making multiplayer for a turn-based game fun. Once we have more details to report, they'll be posted on this FAQ.
It will be possble to play with more than 8 civilizations in one game !
Large World: 140x140 12 Civs Huge World: 180x180 16 Civs
And there will most likely be a patch for multiplayer , but probably only
for those with a game-serial ; chances are Sid & The (money-making)
Company have planned this from the beginning . This could prevent
some PIRACY on the MP (multiplayer) if you get a MP-pacth related
uniqely to your gameserial ... right ? They may not want to tell you
this unless forced to by an opinion-stream , such as YIN26 has invoked !

As for me taking sides I have to say (as an experienced CIV1- and CIV2-
player who by mistake only got a 4th-place in the official tournament in
Denmark and my scorepoints would have bin among the worlds 100 best
at the time before the cheating on points broke in) that I definitely EXPECT
Sid & FireAxis to release the MultiPlayer-patch as soon as possible !
Otherwise we all will feel the extraordinary urge to tell them what they do
have promised and yes ... they do owe the prehand interest in Civ3 and
thus the view to a great profit , to us Fans !
