Whoa! History has changed!
Sparta was a dictatorship? Funny. Yesterday Sparta was an Oligarchy.
No offense to the perpetrator of this heinous crime against history, most people don't even know what Sparta was, except that maybe, just maybe, it might have been Spartan
But his point stands. Athens was a democracy. It wasn't originally military, until the confederacy of...was it Delos? Just pretend it was, anyway...the league of Delos was formed to protect Greece from Persia. Some city-states decided to withdraw from the federation which Athens, lead member, was abusing, and they were promptly conquered. Their dues became tribute at that time. Athens went military, specifically in the naval sense, despite some who were outspokenly against it.
Sparta was an Oligarchy, which means "rule of the few" as opposed to democracy which is "rule of many". Oligarchy is basically a toned-down democracy where only a select few vote on all the decisions. Not surprisingly, this happened to be the Spartan upper class (the warrior class - in this way Sparta was under military rule). Still, oligarchy is considerably more civilized than many dictatorships (they had a slave class for a long time, which is bad, but they were freed by the government's grace).
Sparta was definitely military, and headed a Peloponnesian league.
Athens and Sparta bumped heads, but the reality of the whole thing is that Athens military spike was just that - a spike. Before and after that, Athens was predominately a scientific and cultural community.
Still, it shows how quickly a nation can change attitudes, and therefore I say that culture is culture (in game terms), not a bunch of sub-cultures.
Sparta was a dictatorship? Funny. Yesterday Sparta was an Oligarchy.
No offense to the perpetrator of this heinous crime against history, most people don't even know what Sparta was, except that maybe, just maybe, it might have been Spartan

But his point stands. Athens was a democracy. It wasn't originally military, until the confederacy of...was it Delos? Just pretend it was, anyway...the league of Delos was formed to protect Greece from Persia. Some city-states decided to withdraw from the federation which Athens, lead member, was abusing, and they were promptly conquered. Their dues became tribute at that time. Athens went military, specifically in the naval sense, despite some who were outspokenly against it.
Sparta was an Oligarchy, which means "rule of the few" as opposed to democracy which is "rule of many". Oligarchy is basically a toned-down democracy where only a select few vote on all the decisions. Not surprisingly, this happened to be the Spartan upper class (the warrior class - in this way Sparta was under military rule). Still, oligarchy is considerably more civilized than many dictatorships (they had a slave class for a long time, which is bad, but they were freed by the government's grace).
Sparta was definitely military, and headed a Peloponnesian league.
Athens and Sparta bumped heads, but the reality of the whole thing is that Athens military spike was just that - a spike. Before and after that, Athens was predominately a scientific and cultural community.
Still, it shows how quickly a nation can change attitudes, and therefore I say that culture is culture (in game terms), not a bunch of sub-cultures.