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Official site updated; The Russians + FAQ

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  • Official site updated; The Russians + FAQ

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  • #2
    From the FAQ:

    Will there be multiplayer support for Civ III?
    Civ III will not be shipping with multiplayer included. The single-player experience has always been our main focus throughout the development of Civilization III. However, we're working on some cool multiplayer concepts that will take a fresh approach to the challenge of making multiplayer for a turn-based game fun. Once we have more details to report, they'll be posted on this FAQ.
    Hopefully this will stop those speculations about Firaxis including MP in the initial release. I guess those hopeless fellows who could not see the truth are going to be unhappy...
    Wiio's First Law: Communication usually fails, except by accident.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Patriqvium
      Hopefully this will stop those speculations about Firaxis including MP in the initial release. I guess those hopeless fellows who could not see the truth are going to be unhappy...
      Cybershy and his ilk will still interpret that as meaning that there is possible hope that MP will be included. I'm not sure how, but he's done it before so I don't see why he won't again.


      • #4
        Any other changes to the FAQ other than the MP thing?
        About 24,000 people die every day from hunger or hunger-related causes. With a simple click daily at the Hunger Site you can provide food for those who need it.


        • #5
          What is the status of Civilization III?
          Civ III has gone gold. In industry terms, this means the game has passed all QA checks and is "on its way" to mastering facilities to be duplicated and sent to stores.

          When is Civ III scheduled for release?
          We expect the game to hit store shelves in North America and the UK on or about October 30th, 2001. Localized versions for other countries are in the pipeline, but we have no official dates to report yet. As soon as release dates for other countries are announced, they will be posted here.

          Will Civ III provide Game Editors?
          Yes, Civ III will ship with an editor that will allow you to greatly customize your Civ experience. We'll focus on the editor and what you can do with it in a developer update in the next few weeks.

          Will there be Wonder movies in Civ III?
          We have created a beautiful and fun world in Civ III and felt that the Wonder movies of the past would take you out of that world and interrupt the gameplay experience. In Civ III, building a Wonder triggers a unique reward screen that captures the flavor of the Wonder movies without disrupting the flow of your game.

          How many scenarios will ship with Civ III?
          We'll release more specifics on scenarios and maps in the upcoming weeks.

          I think thats all the updated stuff

