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Do Workers cost 1 population to produce?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Ozymandous

    Just thought of something.. Anyone know the results of disbanding a captured foreign worker or settler into one of your naturally founded empire cities? Does that city have unrest now, or have a greater chance of revolting?
    It has been revealed that every pop point born in one of your cities has a nationality. every settler or worker has pop points which still have nationality. you can even choose which nationality to put into your settler (if you have more han one kind in your city.

    so, naturally, if you drop a captured worker into a city, the pop point added will be of the nationality of the civ you captured it from, or the nationality it was built as.
    Any man can be a Father, but it takes someone special to be a BEAST

    I was just about to point out that Horsie is simply making excuses in advance for why he will suck at Civ III...
    ...but Father Beast beat me to it! - Randomturn


    • #17
      Originally posted by Sandman That defeats the purpose of having settlers at all. Why build settlers when you could just build workers for the same number of population points?
      1 Settler = 2 pop points = 1 city
      1 worker = 1 pop point = 1 colony
      1 colony (1 pop) + 1 extra worker (1 pop) = 1 city (2 pop) (I hope)

      You save no pop points by doing it the way I suggested.

      1 colony (1 pop) + 1 settler (2 pop) = 1 city (2 pop? where does the extra pop go?)

      Of course, there are still questions concerning cities. When a 2 pop settler founds a city, is it a size 1 or 2 city? Does the city number only reflect "loose" population, with the default center square worker not reflected in the city size?

      Qusetions, questions...


      • #18
        Originally posted by ajbera
        1 colony (1 pop) + 1 extra worker (1 pop) = 1 city (2 pop) (I hope)
        They keep saying you lose the population point when a worker founds a colony. Whether it is overtaken by expanding borders or wiped out by an enemy the worker who made the colony is gone never to return.

        "War: A by-product of the arts of peace." Bierce


        • #19
          You save no pop points by doing it the way I suggested.
          That is not the point. What I am saying is that the settler unit becomes useless from the start of the game if you can just build two workers. And Firaxis would not include it in the game if there was useless.

          Settlers cost two pop points but only make a size 1 city. The second pop point covers the city square.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Sandman
            That is not the point. What I am saying is that the settler unit becomes useless from the start of the game if you can just build two workers. And Firaxis would not include it in the game if there was useless.
            Ahhhh...duly noted. I now see the error of my ways.


            • #21
              As I understand, just the founding settler increase the city pop by one (from 0 to 1), any other settler included in the city will increase city pop by 2, witch is correct. That way you don't loose pop. Your worker cost you 1 pop, adds you 1 pop. Your settler cost you 2 pop, adds you 2 pop.

              IMO this concept is the best metod to stop ICS.
              "Respect the gods, but have as little to do with them as possible." - Confucius
              "Give nothing to gods and expect nothing from them." - my motto


              • #22
                I hope the editor lets you change the "cost" of settlers. I'd like to re-do the world situation and have a settler cost 3 or more, to make ICS even harder, or even make settlers require a resource.

                (Plus it might make small powerful civs an option)

