Does anyone know whether there will be only military leaders? I mean, we can have so many different types of leaders that it would be a shame to limit them only to the military.
For example (and these are just ideas, so they probably would unbalance the game if the numbers weren't adaquately play tested):
Cultural Leaders: Entertainers and artists that make all unhappy citizens in one city content. Cost of new "entertainment" buildings are lower in one city (city where the unit is residing). Adds 50% to the culture output of that city.
Industrious Leaders: That can add 50% more to the production of a project in one city.
Diplomatic Leaders: That can make other civs much more agreable toward your empire. You end up getting more than you normally would. Cities or units in the city where the unit is residing cannot be subverted and the city cannot revolt.
Religious Leaders: Same as Cultural Leaders but lower the cost of "religous" buildings in one city.
Commercial Leaders: They reduce the cost of "commercial" buildings and you get 50% more trade in the city where they reside.
Explorer Leaders: Line of sight is huge and they move at 3 on land.
Scientific Leaders: Scientific building costs are lower in the city where the leader resides. 50% increase in the amount of scientific output from that city.
Is something like this in CIV3? I sure hope it isn't just military!
For example (and these are just ideas, so they probably would unbalance the game if the numbers weren't adaquately play tested):
Cultural Leaders: Entertainers and artists that make all unhappy citizens in one city content. Cost of new "entertainment" buildings are lower in one city (city where the unit is residing). Adds 50% to the culture output of that city.
Industrious Leaders: That can add 50% more to the production of a project in one city.
Diplomatic Leaders: That can make other civs much more agreable toward your empire. You end up getting more than you normally would. Cities or units in the city where the unit is residing cannot be subverted and the city cannot revolt.
Religious Leaders: Same as Cultural Leaders but lower the cost of "religous" buildings in one city.
Commercial Leaders: They reduce the cost of "commercial" buildings and you get 50% more trade in the city where they reside.
Explorer Leaders: Line of sight is huge and they move at 3 on land.
Scientific Leaders: Scientific building costs are lower in the city where the leader resides. 50% increase in the amount of scientific output from that city.
Is something like this in CIV3? I sure hope it isn't just military!