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Are There Only Military Leaders?

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  • Are There Only Military Leaders?

    Does anyone know whether there will be only military leaders? I mean, we can have so many different types of leaders that it would be a shame to limit them only to the military.

    For example (and these are just ideas, so they probably would unbalance the game if the numbers weren't adaquately play tested):

    Cultural Leaders: Entertainers and artists that make all unhappy citizens in one city content. Cost of new "entertainment" buildings are lower in one city (city where the unit is residing). Adds 50% to the culture output of that city.

    Industrious Leaders: That can add 50% more to the production of a project in one city.

    Diplomatic Leaders: That can make other civs much more agreable toward your empire. You end up getting more than you normally would. Cities or units in the city where the unit is residing cannot be subverted and the city cannot revolt.

    Religious Leaders: Same as Cultural Leaders but lower the cost of "religous" buildings in one city.

    Commercial Leaders: They reduce the cost of "commercial" buildings and you get 50% more trade in the city where they reside.

    Explorer Leaders: Line of sight is huge and they move at 3 on land.

    Scientific Leaders: Scientific building costs are lower in the city where the leader resides. 50% increase in the amount of scientific output from that city.

    Is something like this in CIV3? I sure hope it isn't just military!
    Of the Holy Roman Empire, this was once said:
    "It is neither holy or roman, nor is it an empire."

  • #2
    Actually, at some point Firaxis did say that they were considering such ideas, but there has been nothing on it since. It might be cool to have some of those, but it looks like we'll just have the great leaders who can form armies and rush wonders.


    • #3
      It would be a shame if there were only military ones because the by the term "Civilization" that is characterized by brilliant people in the arts (Di Vinci), sciences (Isaac Newton), religion (Mohammed), phylosophy (Socrates), etc, etc.
      Of the Holy Roman Empire, this was once said:
      "It is neither holy or roman, nor is it an empire."


      • #4
        This sounds like a very likely candidate for expansion pack material!


        • #5
          Cool idea. But I think that this feature will be included in an expansion pack, too. It would be fine when you gain a cultural/religious leader after having built ten libraries/temples.


          • #6
            Originally posted by cyril25376
            Cool idea. But I think that this feature will be included in an expansion pack, too. It would be fine when you gain a cultural/religious leader after having built ten libraries/temples.
            Definately a good idea as long as there's some randomness to it like with the military leaders.


            • #7
              Originally posted by SteveJH
              Definately a good idea as long as there's some randomness to it like with the military leaders.
              Like if a particular city achieves a very high science rating it may have the chance of spawning a famous scientist who can speed up the discovery of one new technology. Or a particularly rich city might give rise to a company which can increase the commerce of any city it operates in.

              We can but hope the Immortals in Firaxis are listening to our prayers.

              "War: A by-product of the arts of peace." Bierce


              • #8
                Originally posted by Crouchback
                We can but hope the Immortals in Firaxis are listening to our prayers.
                Might not be a bad idea to compile a small wish list for an expansion pack.


                • #9
                  i think there's just gonna military leaders
                  Prince of...... the Civ Mac Forum

